Michael’s Birthday

NBC has posted a summary for “Michael’s Birthday,” scheduled to air March 30:

It’s Michael’s birthday and he’s thrown himself a surprise party at a local ice skating rink. But, no one is in the mood to celebrate because Kevin is nervously awaiting his medical test results.

TV Guide Online has also posted a summary, with a little more detail:

It’s Michael’s birthday (which he proudly shares with actress Eva Longoria), but nobody in the office seems to care—except for Dwight. Meanwhile, Kevin waits to hear from his doctor about whether or not he has cancer. This upsets the staffers, but none more so than Michael, who sees the medical crisis taking attention away from his special day.

And the printed version of TV Guide has this:

Birthday boy Michael seems to have missed the point of the surprise-party concept. Technically, you’re not supposed to arrange your own celebration and then fake a startled response. In any case, he is astounded by the staff’s lack of attendance.

Update: A LiveJournal user has posted some hi-res photos (no longer available) from this episode!

Tonight’s episode: Health Care

Here is why I love The Office, and the cast of The Office:

Even though tonight’s episode, Health Care, is a rerun, and I’ve already seen it multiple times from my Season 1 DVD, including the hilarious deleted scenes, we hear from both Angela Kinsey (Angela) and Jenna Fischer (Pam) that there is a little gem of a scene that we need to take a second look at.

In Angela’s MySpace blog (no longer available), she writes:

I broke while filming a scene in this episode. Rainn made me laugh so hard. And they let it stay in coz it was super quick and was somewhat appropriate. But if you look closely it isn’t Angela Martin laughing — it’s goofy ol’ Angela Kinsey about to lose it and I’m about to take Brian (Kevin) with me! See if you can find that moment.

Jenna also mentions this scene in her March 23, 2006 TV Guide blog (no longer available):

Rainn Wilson kept improvising new fake diseases, and we didn’t know what he would say next. The shots of us laughing at him are real shots of us losing it.

Yes, of course, I have gone back to my DVD to look for that scene, and it is precious. And I would venture to say that not only did Angela and Brian break, but so did Leslie David Baker (Stanley) — notice him wiping away tears, he’s laughing so hard.

Anyway, enjoy tonight’s episode. If you’re already an Office fanatic, you’re in for an extra little treat. If you’re new to The Office, this episode may be just the one that seals the deal for you. :)

And thanks, Jenna and Angela, for always thinking of us fans!

No summer vacation for NBC's 'The Office'

This just in:

NBC’s hit comedy “The Office” (Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:00pm ET) goes digital with ten, original stand-alone webisodes premiering on NBC.com this summer. The serialized arc will star the accounting staff of the Dunder Mifflin paper company in an edge-of-your-ergonomically-designed-seat whodunit.

When the Dunder Mifflin accountants — Angela (Angela Kinsey), Kevin (Brian
Baumgartner) and Oscar (Oscar Nunez) — discover that $3000 is missing from the Scranton office, no one is above suspicion, as the crack team of numbers crunchers tries to solve the mystery before turning on each other.

Read the complete press releases here and here.

Office theme song now available as a .wav file

Thanks to Brian’s kind permission over at Life in the Office, I’ve converted his .mp3 version of the Office theme song to .wav and it is now available for download here at OfficeTally!

Why is the .wav version such a big deal?

If you are a Treo 650 owner and would like to use the Office theme song as your ringtone, without having to buy an additional ringtone manager, then the .wav version is what you need.

Moreover, now that the .wav file is available here, you can download it directly onto your Treo without needing Bluetooth, VersaMail, an SD card, or any other bothersome transfer steps!

What are you waiting for? Go there now!

"Take Your Daughter To Work Day" coming March 16th

Although NBC reruns a Season 1 episode Diversity Day next week, an episode summary has already been posted at TVGuide.com for a brand new episode entitled “Take Your Daughter To Work Day,” which airs in two weeks on March 16:

It’s Take Your Daughter to Work Day at Dunder Mifflin, and Michael, who’s uncomfortable around kids, is pleasantly surprised when he becomes a hit with them. He tries to impress his new pint-sized posse by showing them a video of him as a “child star” on a local kids’ show—but, like all things Michael, it backfires. Meanwhile, Pam’s goal is to find just one child who likes her; and Stanley’s flirtatious daughter develops a crush on Ryan.

Trivia question: In which episode and in which scene has Stanley’s daughter been mentioned before?

Update, March 7

In the March 6-12 printed version of TV Guide, page 72 says:

Thank heaven for little girls. Michael puts his hatred for Toby on hold when he strikes up a friendship with his rival’s 5-year-old on “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.”

This just gets more and more interesting …

Some recent articles about The Office

I posted these over at Northern Attack a few days ago:

Regarding the blog article, did you know that Rainn Wilson (Dwight) actually writes Schrute-Space, whereas character blogs from other TV shows are written by show staff? Pretty darned cool.