Angela Kinsey MySpace blog: Greetings Dunderheads!

From Angela Kinsey’s MySpace blog, dated December 11, 2008:

Hello Dunderheads,

how are you guys? It’s been a long time since my last blog so I thought today I’d share a few little moments….

1-We are having a real thermostat war on set. It is the guys against the gals. The girls keep putting little heaters everywhere and some how they end up blowing warm air right in Brian’s direction. Then the guys move them. Then we freeze and we move them back. Fascinating, I know but it is freezing on this set! Jenna, Kate, Phyllis, Mindy and I are determined to win this weird game of wills.

2-We now have a ping pong table set up in the warehouse set. There are some pretty serious games going on over there.

3-Our hot snack for the day: hot dogs and soup.

4-Oscar bought Isabel a little hoodie sweatshirt! And a little dress (which she wore for Thanksgiving). He loves to buy her clothes. I will show up to work and there will be a little bag with a note in it from him. It’s adorable.

5-I am still pumping all day!!! (TWSS) loaned me a camera to film behind the scenes stuff for them but all I do is film Isabel. :/ Sorry I promise to film something soon.

7-We talk about food a lot lately? Is that because it is the holidays or that it’s colder or something? Karen (in our wardrobe department is from Ireland) told me about an Irish dish called “A Dublin Lawyer”. It’s poached lobster in a whiskey sauce.

8-Oscar is watching Wu Shu training on youtube. Oh and he is obsessed with 52 Blocks. He just told me not to explain 52 Blocks to you. He says you’ll figure it out.

9-In last week’s episode, there will definitely be a scene on the gag reel. Rainn, Ed and I could not get through the scene where Dwight tells us directions to Schrute Farms. We all kept losing it! And Rainn kept making up more and more ridiculous directions. We were a mess.

10-We were all sitting on set between scenes and Creed yelled frantically, “Help! Help me!” We all jumped up thinking something was very wrong with him. Turns out his computer was frozen. :p

11-Movies we’re talking about on set: Slumdog Millionaire. Revolution Road.

12-My Christmas Tree scene in this week’s episode was a lot of fun. I did it in two takes. I had the bruises and scratches to prove it and I was so proud of them. I kept showing them to people like they were some kind of trophy. I love doing physical comedy.

Oh and my friend’s mom told me that I had random music on my profile page. I don’t know how that happened. I’m not making any kind of statement with my music choice. It is supposed to be The Office theme song. ;)

Ya’ll have a good week!


The Weekend Tally

Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, staff, and fans for the week ending November 30.

Tipsters: vanfan14, Stephen, Tiffany, Kelley, Julie, Jaimie

Angela Kinsey and Ed Helms conference call

The Office’s Angela Kinsey and Ed Helms held a conference call last Thursday to discuss the mystery that is Angela and Andy’s relationship. :)

Despite several attempts by various members of the press to get them to spill spoilers, Angela and Ed held their ground — and still told some entertaining stories along the way. (There’s no getting past the fact that Ed and Angela are very cute together.)

NBC very kindly sent along the transcript, and I’ve streamlined it — otherwise it would be, like, a bazillion pages.

Happy reading! Continue reading “Angela Kinsey and Ed Helms conference call”

Angela Kinsey’s Baby Mama Giveaway!

UPDATE: Angela has selected the winners! —

Hello OfficeTally folks! Thanks so much for all of your entries. They were awesome! It was hard for me to pick, especially with so many of you having babies pretty soon. I have chosen my four top favorites. Congratulations to Pamela Dean (18), Gary (74), Sarah Bee (80), and Rachel (286)!

Tanster will be forwarding your info to me, and the gift bags will be on their way. Thanks as always for your support of our show. It was fun to do this giveaway with you guys. Alright, I gotta go, I’m in a scene where of course I make Andy’s life miserable. Thanks! Angela

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who submitted entries!

More details about the giveaway after the jump. Continue reading “Angela Kinsey’s Baby Mama Giveaway!”