Here is The Office’s Bobby Ray Shafer (“Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration”) in a commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken’s KFC Bites:
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Where orange means "Orange you glad you visited this site?"
Here is The Office’s Bobby Ray Shafer (“Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration”) in a commercial for Kentucky Fried Chicken’s KFC Bites:
[Video no longer available]
This was filmed in Scranton on the same weekend that The Office’s Bobby Ray Shafer attended The Office Fan Tours.
Evergreen570 is a site for sharing ideas about keeping the planet green.
[Video no longer available]
Tidbits about ‘The Office’ show, cast, and staff for the week ending June 29.
A short Tally this week …
For a complete list of events, subscribe to the OfficeTally Calendar.
Tipsters: Beatriz, Christine, Amanda
Bobby Ray Shafer, who plays the one and only Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, sent me a little video snippet that he shot during the making of the Season 4 finale, ‘Goodbye, Toby.’
Here is Bobby Ray’s report. Continue reading “The Bernard Boogie”
Four Office cast members blog in two days? Woo!
I’ve added all of Kate’s appearances, as well as B.J.’s appearances, to the OT Calendar.
Now I gotta go to Sephora and try that Vanilla Grapefruit!
A rather short Tally today …
Tipsters: LiveJournal Office, Kell, kayla, Stacy, Claudia, Jo, Andrea
Wow, this is really late. Sorry, guys. So completely distracted today …
Tipsters: Officeisms1978, Mike, Jason, Kell, AuntWeeza, Brittany, Shannon, Julia
Just a few more Office photos, taken at Kate Flannery’s Lampshades show Saturday night:
I highly recommend taking pleasure in loving The Lampshades — Kate is a wonderful singer! And that Cassie Chew really knows how to shake her groove thing.
The Lampshades perform the first weekend of every month in LA. For more information, click here.