The Post-Turkey Tally

New blogs this week

Other notable items

This week’s notable items have very little to do with The Office. Hope they’re interesting anyway!

  • Reuters reports that Rainn Wilson’s next project is “Bonzai Shadowlands,” “in which he will star as a once-great ninja who is now living a life of mediocrity.” Read “Office” fascist Dwight dons ninja suit for film.
  • Business 2.0 magazine features Michael Scott and his thoughts on employee motivation. An excerpt: “The three keys to motivating your staff are love (positive reinforcement), fear (negative reinforcement), and chocolate (chocolate reinforcement).” See full scans of the magazine article and cover here.
  • Here’s Rashida Jones (“Karen”) in an impossibly cute music video for “Be Gentle With Me” by The Boy Least Likely To. Thanks Sydney!
  • For you Ricky Gervais fans, he’s released the second of three free “Podfather” podcasts, courtesy of Guardian Unlimited. The podcasts star Ricky, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington.
  • What has Karly Rothenberg (“Madge” from the warehouse) been up to? How about voice work in the latest California Cows commercial? Karly writes, “I am the cow that comments on how it was fun while it lasted, and then I suggest a rousing game of dodge ball! How cool to be a California Cow!” Watch the commercial here.
  • Okay, one 100% directly-related Office item — check out proudgirl’s latest fanvid creation, “Dance Inside,” in the Office Fan Video Playlist. Sniff, sniff …

Welcome, Madge, to the MySpace fray!

I got a very nice email last week from Karly Rothenberg, the actress who plays “Madge” (from the warehouse gang):

“Hi Tanster,

My name is Karly Rothenberg, and I do play “Madge,” the East German looking gal. I have my fingers crossed that good ole Madge will return for more episodes in season three and am grateful that folks like you are spreading the word about my being a small but very happy part of the gang.

I was cast in the Basketball episode, season one, and even got to pick a fight with “Dwight” on the court. I then returned for Sexual Harassment and Boys and Girls and had an absolute blast driving the forklift around the warehouse! I am hopeful that next season I might even get a Dundie. And just between you and me, I think Madge has a crush on Roy! (oops, did I let that slip, shame on me!)

Thanks again for the mention on your website!

All the best,

Karly aka Madge”

Please visit Madge’s MySpace page and say hello!

For a complete list of Office cast member MySpace pages, go to the Links page.