The Halftime Tally

When you want to take a break from football today, check these items out:

Tipsters: Melody, Nick, Jennifer, Amy, Megzy

The Weekend Tally

New blogs this week

Other notable items

Kate and Melora in TV Guide

Kate Flannery (“Meredith”) has posted a new TV Guide blog about tonight’s episode:

The new episode is “Grief Counseling,” where Michael’s former boss suddenly dies in an accident … Michael’s old boss was Ed Truck, played by Ken Howard. Do you remember the Season 2 episode, “The Carpet,” when Ken Howard was a guest on the show? (I remember him from The White Shadow.) Well, that episode showed an “old” picture of Ed Truck and Michael Scott from the ’80s, where they each sported a mullet. You know what they say about a mullet, right? Business in the front and a PARTY IN THE BACK!!!!

TV Guide also features an interview with Melora Hardin (“Jan”):

Kate Flannery, who plays Meredith, is really funny. I love how she plays Meredith as so disgusted all the time with herself and with life … It’s hilarious, the faces she makes bowl me over. But I would have to say that the person who makes me laugh the most is Steve [Carell]. I’m a pretty intense straight man and sometimes I just can’t hold it together. There are some good bloopers on the Season 2 DVD.

Chili’s … baby back ribs … Chili’s baby back ribs … classic blooper!

Photos from NBC’s Primetime Preview

Isn’t this a beautiful picture of Melora Hardin (“Jan”)? The larger version is even more stunning.

See the larger photo and many others (Steve, B. J., Rainn, Jenna, John, Angela, and Brian) from Monday’s NBC Primetime Preview here.

Photos courtesy of xoDianaxo at LiveJournal.