The Weekend Tally

For a complete list of events, subscribe to the OfficeTally Calendar.

Tipsters: Paul, Molly, Alice, Marisol

Last Weekend’s Tally

Here is the Tally I would have posted last weekend had I not spent so much time putting my set visit trip report together. :)

Items submitted April 14-20:

Tipsters: Katie, Robm, cervantes240, Tara, Theresa, SarSar

The next Weekend Tally will be posted this Sunday, April 27, and include items submitted April 21-27th.

The Weekend Tally

Tipsters: Nate, Christine, Chris, Eric, Jules, Jessica, and last but not least, Miz Angela Kinsey (“I feel so proud!”)

Greg Daniels and Rainn Wilson conference call

The Office’s Executive Producer Greg Daniels and Rainn Wilson held a conference call last week to answer questions about the show.

There are some really interesting stories in there! And just hearing Greg and Dwight goof on each other is entertainment in itself.

Following is an optimized transcript of the event, and it’s LONG. (That’s what she said.)

Thank you, NBC! :)

Continue reading “Greg Daniels and Rainn Wilson conference call”

The Weekend Tally

Tipsters: Kenna, Lucy, Jules, Devon, mcast21787, stuckintheoffice

The Weekend Tally

Tipsters: Tedi, Jessica, Lauren, Maura, Amelia, Melissa, Julia, Roger