Steve Carell fan? Tune in to SNL this week

ambiguously gay duo

This post has absolutely nothing to do with The Office, but if you’re a Steve Carell fan (and who the heck isn’t?), read on.

Saturday Night Live will be presenting the “Best of TV Funhouse” this Saturday, April 29th.

From the NBC website:

The special will be hosted by “The Ambiguously Gay Duo,” Ace and Gary (voiced, as ever, by Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell) and will feature new material starring the subtly homoerotic superheroes performing an “SNL” monologue as well as interacting “live” with the current cast throughout the show.

Yeah, Steve Carell is the voice of AGD’s Gary! (Did you guys already know that? I didn’t know that.)

I’ve added this event to the Calendar.

The Office receives Rose d’Or nominations

Rose d’Or (“Golden Rose”), the international festival for entertainment television programming, has announced its 2006 nominees.

Among them:

  • Best Sitcom: The Office
  • Best Male Sitcom Performance: Steve Carell

The Office and Steve Carell are the only U.S. nominees in their respective categories.

Oh, and it’s nice that Ricky Gervais, executive producer of The Office and star and creator of the original UK version, will be given an Honorary Rose d’Or Award “in recognition of his exceptional creative talents, his originality and his innovation.”

The awards ceremony will be held on April 29 in Lucerne, Switzerland.

(Never heard of Rose d’Or until today? Me either! But it’s been around 43 years and is supposed to be the most prestigious competition for international television programming. Learn more here.)

So this brings up the question: in which countries is the U.S. version of The Office broadcast? — please post a comment!

Steve Carell on Conan

Steve on Conan is always a treat.

Watch Steve do some variations of “The German Who Says Nice Things,” and discuss a possible sequel to his hit film, “The 40 Year Old Virgin,” tentatively titled, “The 41 Year Old Whore.”

And Conan makes Steve cry. Sort of.

View the video clip here.

See a complete list of events in the calendar.

Video courtesy of Prince at LiveJournal.