These videos are courtesy of Tallyheads mickeyrandy and Alison. This was during the ribbon cutting ceremony this morning — an impromptu serenade by Mr. Ed Helms.
Thank you, ladies!
Where 25 push-ups and one girl push-up is perfectly acceptable.
I am going to be posting some Office Convention reports — audio clips, photos, even video! — via Utterz, which lets me blog on-the-go right from my cell phone.
Everything I post will end up in the widget below. Just press the Play button!
A kind thank you to the Utterz folks for setting me up!
Note: if you’re having trouble seeing the widget here at OT, go to my Utterz page.
Don’t forget is also live-blogging throughout the weekend:
Blog | Video (coming soon) | Photos
No, not the episode, ‘Casino Night.’ A real casino night!
Last night’s event was VIP Casino Night at the Mohegan Sun Casino at Pocono Downs. And it was … spectacular.
From the intimate venue (a private tent just outside the main casino) to the luxurious spread of food and open bar, to the energetic live band, the night was the perfect occasion to get up close and personal with the cast of The Office.
Brian, Angela, and Craig with Al (note the stylish U of S scarves)
The first event of the convention, and it was cuh-razy! The Office cast was treated like ROCK STARS at the University of Scranton. I was lucky enough to enter with Brian, Angela, and Craig, and got to meet Al Roker in the backstage area.
The crowd went especially crazy for Craig, who celebrated his birthday last night with a group dinner and karaoke. Craig told me he wrote the music for the jingles from last night’s episode, ‘Local Ad,’ but not the words.
Tipsters: Denise, Lauren
A few photos after the jump. (If YOU took pictures, post a comment with a link!)
It’s past midnight here in Scranton, so just a few quick notes before I head off for bed …
Checking into the hotel tonight, I bumped into The Office’s Co-Executive Producer Kent Zbornak and Mr. Bob Vance himself, Bobby Ray Shafer, who were also checking in. I believe Kent said that Angela, Brian, and Phyllis all arrived tonight as well.
It was also lovely meeting Tallyhead Kenna and her sister at the Atlanta airport, as well as one of the convention organizers, Tim Holmes.
Tomorrow morning starts off over at the University of Scranton, where The Today Show’s Al Roker will be talking to members of The Office cast. I’ll do my best to post reports throughout the day!
Lastly, wear those OfficeTally shirts in Scranton this weekend. Because if I spot you, you might win a Target goodie. Or a little doodad from the NBC Office Store. Or even the Dundie I reviewed last week! (Get your acceptance speech ready.)
And please especially wear your OT shirt to Sunday’s Bloggers’ Breakfast. I wanna see some representin’!
Update: NBC is reporting the Today Show schedule for Friday morning is:
8:30am = Kate, Creed, and Oscar;
9:00am = Bobby Ray, Phyllis, and Leslie;
9:30am = Angela, Brian, and Craig. Subject to change.
Also, make sure to bookmark’s Office Convention Blog!
Links: New cast info | Buy tickets here
Confirmed Office staff attending: Andy Buckley, Angela Kinsey, Anthony Farrell, Bobby Ray Shafer, Brent Forrester, Brian Baumgartner, Craig Robinson, Creed Bratton, Ed Helms, Gene Stupnitsky, Greg Daniels, Jason Kessler, Jennifer Celotta, Justin Spitzer, Kate Flannery, Kent Zbornak, Lee Eisenberg, Leslie David Baker, Lester Lewis, Melora Hardin, Michael Schur, Mindy Kaling, Oscar Nunez, Paul Lieberstein, Phyllis Smith, and Ryan Koh. That makes 26!
Previously posted news after the jump.