The Thursday Tally

scranton summers cartoon dwight schrute the officeItems of note today:

• Check out the debut of the cartoon series “Scranton Summers” over at GMMR!

The Break Room is interviewing Angela Kinsey today, and has set up a phone number for questions. (It’s not confirmed that Angela will be taking voicemail questions, but you can leave one just in case.) The number is 214-3299-TBR (827).

• B.J. Novak and Craig Robinson (“Darryl”) perform at The Improv, West Hollywood, tonight.

• Tonight’s episodes are Christmas Party and The Injury. Don’t forget to check out the Tidbits sections at the bottom of each episode page!

Season finale, here we come!

It is now exactly two hours until you lucky East Coasters get to start feasting on the season finale, Casino Night.

Remember to come right back here at 7pm PT to add your rating and comments. I expect to see massive fan frenzy!

P.S. This simply stupendous illustration is courtesy of LiveJournal’s psmonkey, who created it “to celebrate the season finale.” Click the picture for the large version, and show the monkey some love by leaving a comment. psmonkey also maintains an impressive portfolio over at

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