The Joseph Podcast interviews Angela Kinsey

First of all, what the heck is The Joseph Podcast?

The Joseph Podcast is the creation of two college dudes — both named Joseph — who have been friends since 7th grade and are huge fans of The Office. Their podcasts usually revolve around normal everyday things, but tonight, they scored a 23-minute phone conversation with Angela Kinsey (“Angela”)!

You can find the podcast here.

As usual, Angela is very charming and funny. I’m sure Joseph and Joseph would have talked all night with her if they could! ;)

And yours truly (“Jennie from Palo Alto” on the audio) even got to contribute a question: “Who is the chief prankster on the set, and what was the best prank?”

Good job guys! (And isn’t Angela the coolest?)

ec/dc talks to Rainn Wilson

ec/dc, a Scranton publication, got a chance to talk to Rainn Wilson (“Dwight”):

The Office may be a vehicle for Steve Carell but some would say that the real star is Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight Schrute, the sycophantic No. 2 to Carell’s cluelessly self-important branch manager. ec/dc caught up with him in Vancouver, where he’s currently shooting an E.T.-esque family film called Mimzy. Wilson made a pair of calls to Scranton — he was interrupted by an emergency page to the set, and by his 1 1/2-year-old son Walter — to chat about the “cult of Dwight.”

You can read the rest of the article here.

Thanks to Life in the Office for the tip!

Will the real Jim Halpert please stand up

Did you know that our favorite salesman Jim Halpert is named after a real person?

Amy Joyce of the Washington Post talked to The Office’s executive producer Greg Daniels about his old childhood friend, Jim Halpert, and discovered there’s more that’s similar between the two Jims than just the name.

(The haircut maybe?)

Read more here.

What it takes to shoot The Office

If you’re interested in the more technical aspects of the way The Office is filmed, you have to check out the article at

Director of photography Randall Einhorn and producer Kent Zbornak speak about everything from the widescreen aspect ratio, to the hard-fought absence of a laugh track, to the handheld camera documentary style, to the frenetic production and editing pace.

Most interesting is the “camera as character” part of the article, including a mention of one of my favorite scenes, the camera as Pam’s cohort in uncovering Dwight and Angela’s secret relationship (“Email Surveillance”).

Lastly, one more interaction between our favorite show and our favorite computer — The Office is edited on Macs.

Read the full article here. You film school students will eat this up. :)