And the president of the United States is…
Vote for your potato today!
Jim was five feet from my desk, and it took me four years to get to him.
And the president of the United States is…
Vote for your potato today!
Congratulations to Felix Baumgartner on his Red Bull Stratos space jump today!
He broke the sound barrier, diving 833mph (mach 1.24).
Watch the jump here. It’s bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
Loved The Office homage to ‘The Godfather’ during last night’s episode, Roy’s Wedding!
I can’t stop playing Gangnam Style! And then this image popped in my head.
The Office’s Jim Halpert did it first.
Quote from The Office Season 2 episode, Sexual Harassment.
UPDATE: Given that Mitt Romney has just announced Paul Ryan as his running mate, thought I would re-post this. :)
Congressman Paul Ryan delivered the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address tonight. Or was that The Office’s Gabe Lewis?
The quote is from Gabe Lewis in The Office Season 7 episode, WUPHF.COM.
Not only is the ‘Under the Blue Arch’ Chevy commercial series inspired by ‘The Office,’ it was directed by Randall Einhorn, who worked on The Office as both a director and director of photography, and stars Wayne Wilderson, who played Martin Nash in The Office Season 3 episodes The Merger and The Convict. Small world!
Tipster: John