A few photos of John Krasinski from tonight’s world premiere of the JJ Abrams’ movie ‘Cloverfield.’
Click either photo to go to its larger version.
Tipster: Stephanie
Act fast, because life just isn't that long.
Ed Helms appears in the latest issue of Geek Monthly Magazine.
” … it’s a little bit cathartic to see that we all act like jackasses sometimes. [The Office] celebrates that.”
Link: First two pages of Ed Helms in Geek Monthly Magazine
Tipster: Secondrink
Looking for a holiday gift for the animal lover in your life?
Consider the ARF 2008 Celebrity Pet Calendar, which includes Jenna Fischer and her adorable pooch, Dr. Wesley Von Spears.
ARF (Animal Rescue Foundation) “saves dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters and brings people and animals together to enrich each others lives.”
Link: ARF 2008 Celebrity Pet Calendar
Tipsters: April, Claire
The Boston Globe’s Meredith Goldstein tagged along during Mindy Kaling’s tour of Scranton at The Office Convention last month. Mindy provides some funny commentary during the slideshow.
Links: A Tour of Scranton with Mindy Kaling | That’s what she said
SPOILER WARNING! Photos and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.
JustJared’s got photos from the upcoming episodes Launch Party and Money.
Link: JustJared
Tipster: beckless1888
Welcome to the Monday edition of ALL ACCESS ANGELA.
Today we find our intrepid heroine in New York City, signing autographs at the NBC Experience Store.
Tallyhead muuuusic was gracious enough to share photos from the event. (And what is that I see in the rightmost photo? Could it be? An Angela mini bobblehead?!)
Link: Photos of Angela at the NBC Experience Store, NYC
Tipster: muuuusic