For a full archive of pictures from last year’s Christmas party, head on over to Sparklies Gallery.
I feel like all my kids grew up. And then they married each other.
Question: How many Dunder Mifflinites can you fit in a photo booth?
Our friend Maureen Ryan at the Chicago Tribune has posted a hilarious review of this week’s episode, ‘A Benihana Christmas.’
SPOILER WARNING! Normally, I would include a few excerpts here, but Mo’s review is so chockful of delicious quotes from the episode, that I must abstain.
Just go read On Comet, on Cupid! On Dunder! On Mifflin! And to all a good night.
The OT quote randomizer is gonna be really happy this week … :)
Photo courtesy of NBC.
Check out an interview (and stunning photos!) of Jenna from the December issue of ALIVE Magazine in St. Louis, Jenna’s hometown.
Some excerpts:
KH: Do they ever have to do multiple takes because you’re cracking up at a funny scene?
JF: I laugh a lot—and I mess up the most takes either by laughing or sneezing. The editor was putting together the DVD and said he wants to insert a track just with all the takes I’ve messed up from sneezing because I have bad allergies. I have allergy pills hidden all over the place—in my bedroom, in my purse, in my trailer. [Ironically, cats are one of the things she’s allergic to.]
KH: Maybe Pam should just have allergies!
JF: I know, they should just write that in next season. But sometimes we’ll be taking a scene and I’ll be holding in a sneeze and my eyes start watering and they’ll be like, “We can’t use that either; it looks like Pam’s crying!”
Read Ready to Launch by Kelly Hamilton, photographed by Rick Gould. (Article no longer available)
Photo posted with permission from ALIVE Magazine.
Once again, JustJared has posted a nice scan of an Office cast article — this time it’s Rainn Wilson in the latest issue of People.
An excerpt:
How is dear Dwight handling the staff shake-up?
It’s a new opportunity for him to dominate even more people with his signature flair. There will be a lot of jostling among [the three deputies] and I think there are going to be some fireworks — like actual bottle rockets and M-80s.
Read Rainn Date here (click the photo to zoom in). Thanks JJ!
Tipster: SHK
Us Weekly’s December 11th issue has a short interview with Rashida Jones (“Karen”).
An excerpt:
Last year, you dated John Krasinski in real life. Awkward?
He’s one of my closest friends. He was incredibly supportive of me getting this job, and for the most part, if you go out with somebody and it doesn’t work out, there’s always a reason why you liked the person to begin with.
Tipsters: MG714 via GMMR
The latest print issue of TV Guide (Nov. 27-Dec. 3) has a great article about Dwight and Angela’s secret romance.
An excerpt:
How do you picture them spending a romantic night out in Scranton?
Kinsey: I have a feeling they’d go to Dwight’s place, since Angela’s apartment is probably full of cats. Then Dwight would get her hot by making her watch Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica.
Wilson: I imagine Angela watching Dwight from the shadows as he plays paintball.
Read the rest of the article here and here. (Click each photo to zoom in.)
Thanks to Sarah for the tip and to JustJared.com for letting me post the pic!
Parade.com presents The Office’s Fab Five and their thoughts on high technology. Ah Dwight, a fellow Treo user, and a man after my own heart …
Click the photo above for the full story, or follow these links:
Home | Steve | Rainn | Jenna | John | B.J.
Graphic posted here with permission by Parade Magazine.