The Friday Tally

  • Blogs updated this week: Jenna’s MySpace blog, Kevin’s MySpace blog, Brian’s blog.
  • Didja notice all the updated cast photos over at the NBC Office site — check out the employee badges of Jim, Pam, Dwight, Michael, and Ryan in the banner, and also the pix in the Bios section.
  • Quite a few of you asked about the song used in the Season 3 promo video featuring Jim and Pam. The song is called “Stars,” performed by Lamar (according to this post at the NBC Office Boards). NBC has now posted the song; listen to “Stars” here.
  • For you John Krasinski fans, check out an incredible collection of unpublished photos from the Improper Bostonian shoot John did last December. VERY VERY NICE. (See the original photo and article over at GMMR.)
  • Lastly, a reminder that the deadline to get in your final iPod Giveaway entry, Scrantonicity Request Line, is tomorrow night, August 19th at 11:59pm PT. Get ‘er done!

John in Elle magazine

john krasinski elle

I know this news is a little old for some of you Office fanatics, but I was trying to hold out until I could get my own copy of the magazine. No such luck …

John Krasinski appears in the September issue of Elle magazine. For a big beautiful scan of the article, head on over to Jenn’s post over at the LiveJournal Office community.

Update 9/4: peopleareshapes at the LiveJournal Office community has posted previously unpublished photos from the Elle shoot. Check out the photos here.

Icon courtesy of jessmccartney.

The Office at WWDC

Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, WWDC, kicked off this morning with a keynote address led by Steve Jobs (pictured here), and he used a slide of The Office in his presentation!

Further proof that Apple loves The Office. And vice versa.

Read more about the WWDC keynote address here.

Thanks to John D’Arc for the tip, and to Peter Rojas at Engadget for allowing me to post this photo!

Angela in Cat Fancy Magazine

The September issue of Cat Fancy magazine (the one with “The Mystery of the Manx” on the cover) features Angela Kinsey and her two adorable kitties, Lucy and Otter. (Lucy’s pictured here.)

An excerpt:

Almost everyone on the set at “The Office” has a pet. Fischer has a dog and a cat. Brian Baumgartner (who plays Kevin) has a dog and has brought him to the set. Oscar Nunez (who plays Oscar) has a dog. Wilson has a dog. Smith has a cat. Krasinski had a cat when he lived in New York. “We’re a pet-friendly set,” Kinsey says.

Aside from the print article, check out seven video clips made during the interview:

  1. Angela’s Pre-Office Days
  2. Fun with HR
  3. Angela Goes to The Office
  4. Bring Your Pet to Work Day
  5. CAT FANCY in The Office
  6. Angela’s Comments on CAT FANCY
  7. A Feline Photo Shoot

The CF interviewers aren’t especially lively, but Angela is vivacious as ever. :)

P.S. I had trouble viewing these videos on my Mac, but if you follow these steps, you should be good to go.

The Office wins two TCA awards!

The TCA (Television Critics Association) bestowed The Office with two awards tonight in Pasadena:

  • Outstanding Achievement in Comedy
  • Individual Achievement in Comedy, Steve Carell

Congratulations to the Office cast and staff! And it looks like almost the entire cast was in attendance, which must have made for some serious festivities …

For the full scoop, click here. (Link no longer available)

Update, 7/27:

  • Here is an audio clip of Steve’s hilarious acceptance speech. Thanks to GMMR for the find!
  • GMMR’s posted a few pics from the event!
  • More TCA pics here, here, and here. (Thanks, Jill!)
  • More pics courtesy of txvoodoo at LiveJournal.
  • The Kansas City Star has more about Steve Carell’s and Greg Daniel’s funny acceptance speeches. (The scathing review that Steve reads is real.)
  • The San Francisco Chronicle’s Tim Goodman reports on the night’s events, including news on a possible guest spot on The Office?

Updated photos and bios at

Okay, just when you thought you couldn’t waste any more time here at OfficeTally, I’ve got more for ya …

As you were watching the webisodes over at, did you happen to notice that The Office site itself has been updated? — fancy new banner images, updated bios (now of the whole cast!), an Adventures with Dwight bobblehead gallery and sweepstakes (coming soon) and photos.

Oh my, lots and lots of photos. Like, 175 photos. I don’t know when they were posted, but I had never seen them before this morning. Photos of deleted scenes from Boys and Girls, Drug Testing, Email Surveillance, The Fire, Michael’s Birthday, and around the office just goofing off.

Thanks to Jill C for the tip!

Head on over to now, or check out a few of my favorites (click any photo to get to the full-sized version):

Continue reading “Updated photos and bios at”

It’s raining Rainn!

Original post date: June 24, 2006

Entertainment Weekly magazine features Rainn Wilson on their “Must List.”

See “extra” photos here and here.

In addition, here is an E! Online video of Rainn from the photo shoot.

Thanks to OT readers Jill and Emily for the tips!

P.S. Over 14,000 Dwight bobblehead dolls sold? — yowsah!

Update 6/25: Find the full interview here, courtesy of Lauren at the LiveJournal Office community. Funny stuff.

Update 6/29: Here’s an EW video of the photo shoot. Thanks to OT reader Ted for the tip!