Dunder Mifflin is real, at least in Scranton

How cool is this — yes, that’s a Dunder Mifflin banner hanging in front of Scranton City Hall!

Although a fictional company, Dunder Mifflin is an official member of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, and took part last month in a banner campaign aimed at welcoming visitors into the city. Read more about the campaign here.

I’ve been told, “you’ll be seeing the same banner appear in the show as one was made for them and [it was] sent … out last week. This season’s going to be good and watch for some authentic scenes from Scranton.”

As if we needed another reason to get excited about Season 3! :)

Photo courtesy of our friends in Scranton, The Electric City.

Office ladies do improv — update

A reminder that the “Ladies from The Office” Angela Kinsey, Jenna Fischer, and Kate Flannery perform Tuesday night at 9pm at the Improv Comedy Festival’s Celebrity show in Los Angeles.

Tickets are $10 — you can buy them here.

I unfortunately can’t be there, but I hope an OfficeTally reader can provide a report tomorrow!


  • TWOP members tvguru94 and rspad have posted write-ups of the show — read them here.
  • Find photos of the event here, here, and here.

Thanks to rspad for the tip! And you should have gone up to Angela and talked to her. ;)

A webisode sneak peek from EW

The latest issue of Entertainment Weekly includes a humorous article about the upcoming Office webisodes, which are scheduled to start on July 13.

An excerpt:

If this Law & Order: Ledger Victim’s Unit story line sounds like a suspenseful whodunit, keep in mind that this is The Office, where no one has the energy to go out to lunch, let alone track down a thief. (The biggest action scene? The trio sneaks into Michael’s empty office to try out all his toys.)

View the full article and photo here, courtesy of Lauren and Matthew at the LiveJournal Office community!

Photos from NBC’s Primetime Preview

Isn’t this a beautiful picture of Melora Hardin (“Jan”)? The larger version is even more stunning.

See the larger photo and many others (Steve, B. J., Rainn, Jenna, John, Angela, and Brian) from Monday’s NBC Primetime Preview here.

Photos courtesy of xoDianaxo at LiveJournal.

Meet my new bobble buddy

I’m not quite sure how he escaped early and found his way to Palo Alto.

Perhaps Angela sent him here to spy on me. Dwight’s done that kind of surveillance before, remember?

In any case, after I provided a clean urine sample and showed him OfficeTally, he seemed to ease up and relax a little.

Now he’s content to just sit on my desk and bobble a bit. Isn’t he adorable?

Go order your very own Dwight bobblehead now!

P.S. To learn about the Dwight Bobblehead Petition, click here.