xoDianaxo over at the LiveJournal Office community has posted a veritable cornucopia of John Krasinski pictures from the Death Cab for Cutie’s Directions party.
Keepin' it zoppity.
xoDianaxo over at the LiveJournal Office community has posted a veritable cornucopia of John Krasinski pictures from the Death Cab for Cutie’s Directions party.
In honor of this year’s Administrative Professionals Day (formerly known as Secretary’s Day), the NBC Office site is now offering a brand new batch of e-cards for the occasion.
Show your admin some love! (Especially if he or she works for someone like Michael Scott.)
P.S. Check out MySpace on her computer monitor! This makes the second time that MySpace sneaks into the picture. (Here’s the first time … )
The April 24-30 issue of TV Guide includes a sweet two-page spread of what our favorite Office folks keep on their desks.
Here’s a sample from our favorite cat lady:
And here’s one of Kevin:
Continue reading “TV Guide: Office Space”If I didn’t know any better, I would have guessed that this was a photo of Kelly Clarkson.
But no, it’s Jenna Fischer (“Pam”) in May’s issue of Glamour magazine.
Holy Scranton!
The photo’s part of an article called “TV’s plainest Janes go glam,” and also includes Chandra Wilson (Dr. Miranda Bailey of Grey’s Anatomy) and Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe O’Brian of 24) getting their supermodel on.
Jenna Fischer (“Pam”) and Angela Kinsey (“Angela”) do a fantastic job of posting behind-the-scenes photos to their MySpace blogs.
I just happened to see this one of Dwight and had to post it.
Jenna enticingly captions the picture as:
“Coming soon – Dwight Schrute, Volunteer Sheriff’s Deputy.”
Click the photo to see the larger version.
P.S. Schrute-Space has finally been updated!
As Angela Kinsey (“Angela”) mentioned in her MySpace blog, she’s got new photos posted from the latest episode, Michael’s Birthday.
Check out the one of Jenna Fischer (“Pam”) looking at her MySpace page, while on set! Too cool.
And there’s an adorable one of Angela and John Krasinski (“Jim”):
See the new photos here.
From the April issue of Details magazine (the one with Vin Diesel on the cover), check out the Office crew stylin’ in Puma golf wear:
• All four (note the team names on the whiteboard)
• Jenna, John, and B.J.
• Rainn
• B.J.
• An adorable one of Jenna and John!
• The whole gang
Thanks to LiveJournal for the tip, and to justinblog at IMDb for posting the images!