Previews of ‘Phyllis’ Wedding’

SPOILER WARNING! Videos and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.

  • Yahoo’s extended preview: over four minutes long!
  •’s Preview #1: classic Jim/Dwight shenanigans.
  •’s Preview #2: Michael’s speech.
  • Entertainment Weekly’s preview: Kevin and Scrantonicity! Aside from the video, there’s a really great article beneath it — make sure to read it!
  •’s preview: WARNING, there is major JAM action in this one!
  •’s previews: there are two here that are different from the rest — “Kelly gives Pam advice on how to act at the wedding” and “Michael causes problems with the caterers.”

(Whew! Are we previewed out?)

Tipsters: GMMR, Daniel, Bold Guy, Matt, Amanda