Here’s a clip from The Office Season 7 episode, Classy Christmas.
Dwight: Yes, I have a wig for every single person in the office. You never know when you’re going to need to bear a passing resemblance to someone.
Almost as good as Italian food.
Here’s a clip from The Office Season 7 episode, Classy Christmas.
Dwight: Yes, I have a wig for every single person in the office. You never know when you’re going to need to bear a passing resemblance to someone.
You can now download the comic book that Pam gave to Jim during The Office Season 7 episode, Classy Christmas!
But is three pages enough? I don’t think so.
Post a comment and let NBC know you want more!
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The role of Cecelia Marie Halpert (aka Cece) has been played by at least two different babies in sequential episodes of The Office.
Photos and details of Hay Place, from The Office Season 7 episode WUPHF.COM airing November 18, 2010.
Who made a return appearance on The Office Season 7 episode Costume Contest?