Jenna and John’s Wednesday TV interviews

Jenna Fischer (“Pam”) just posted in her MySpace blog that she and John Krasinski (“Jim”) will be doing a slew of TV interviews tomorrow morning, May 10th.

Check her post for the complete schedule.

Update: Here’s a link to one of Jenna’s appearances, Jacksonville, FL, NBC12. Can’t believe the reporter didn’t know Steve Carell’s name. Sheesh!

Steve Carell video clip

First an article, and now a video of Steve Carell talking about his first Office writing gig on Casino Night. He channels a little bit of Michael Scott at the end of it.

To access the clip, go to the main NBC Office site and click the Feature Video link in the right column.

(For Mac users, follow the instructions here, and then enter this link in the Open URL window: mms://

Thanks to Lori over at Northern Attack for the tip!

Our TechNow TV interview

I now present James’ (Northern Attack) and my little TechNow! TV interview, which aired yesterday morning. (It airs again tomorrow in the SF Bay Area.)

I apologize for the absolutely wretched quality of this video — I literally stood in front of my TV and aimed my little digital camera at the screen! We hope to have a much better clip of this next week …

And for the record, we don’t think that the petition had the enormous influence that reporter Scott McGrew said it did. Although it was nice of him to say so. :)

Lastly, and most importantly, I did not realize I could squeal that high. Angela, if I caused you any permanent hearing loss, I am truly sorry.

Here are two versions of the interview:

1. The sucky quality one, which includes James’ reaction to the phone call and a little audio from Angela:

2. The better quality one, which has a better intro from James but no Angela: