Auction: The Office set visit with Paul Lieberstein

Charity Folks is auctioning off a visit to The Office set to meet Paul Lieberstein!

Listing description: You and a friend will receive an exclusive two hour experience including a backstage tour of the set, time in the VIP green room, and watch filming! In addition, you will receive a meet and greet on set with the donor of this auction lot, Paul Lieberstein, known to The Office fans as Toby Flenderson!

I contacted The Office staff and they verified the auction is legitimate.

Proceeds benefit The Young Storytellers Foundation.

The auction ends June 10th.

P.S. The winning bid for the last set visit auction was over $17,000, so be prepared!


  1. “No photography allowed”? You mean I couldn’t even get a picture with Paul? What a gyp!

  2. Any idea what the $60 “shipping” charge is about?

    1. Chevy – I’d bring a camera anyway. Worst case you get nothing, best case they’re just doing a little CYA so you don’t photo any spoilers. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

  3. Can’t afford the auction, but went ahead and made a donation to the foundation.

  4. Kim, I think the $60 shipping charge is for the background check.

    It would be cool to visit the set. And Toby is one of my favorite bg characters. Why? I give you one word, “Bowtie…”

    However, the winning bid will be waaayyy more than I can afford.

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