Steve Carell: Mr. Multi-talented has a funny interview with Steve Carell, who talks, among other things, about his stint as Hammy the squirrel in the animated film, Over The Hedge:

One of Hammy’s special talents is his ability to burp the entire alphabet, and it’s a trait Carell is rather proud of.

“It took me many tries, but it’s a talent. I never thought when I learned to do that at age 13 it would pay off with a major motion picture. I should list it on my resume. I can burp and I own my own tux and I can drive a stick shift. I can do it all. Multi-talented.”

The article also includes Steve’s insight into his hilarious Golden Globe acceptance speech.

Read the full article here.

Jenna Fischer on Celebrity Poker Showdown

A reminder that Jenna plays on Celebrity Poker Showdown later today, June 21st. Check your local listings.

This is Tournament 8, Game 4, and includes Mario Cantone, Rocco DiSpirito, Keegan-Michael Key, and Jordan Peele.

In the Philadelphia Daily News, Jenna provides details on one particular hand:

Fischer, who went out in second place, said: “In one key hand when we were three-handed, I had Ac-Kc and raised it up before the flop, making it $1,200 to go from the small blind against Cantone, who was in the big blind with 3-3. The flop came down Qd-Jc-7h, and I moved all-in. I was pretty happy about the way I played that hand.”

See a complete list of events in the calendar.

Pre-order The Office Season 2 DVD

Following yesterday’s news that The Office Season 2 DVD set will be released on September 12, the DVDs are now available for pre-order at the Universal Studios Home Video store.

This purchase will run you $37.98 (before shipping and tax), with a ship date of September 10th.

Click here to pre-order!

Update 6/22: Amazon is now selling the Season 2 DVD set for $34.99 with free shipping! Pre-order here. (Thanks to the LiveJournal Office community for the tip!)

Update 7/7: Amazon has reduced the price to $32.49 (35% off) with free shipping! Pre-order here.

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Jenna asks the fans …

We are so excited that The Office’s own Jenna Fischer is kicking off our iPod Giveaway with this challenge for fans:

Create a new office character. Name, occupation, and personality.

You have until approximately June 27 at 12:15am Pacific Time to add a comment, 200 WORD LIMIT. Click the iPod Giveaway badge for the complete rules.

Thank you, Jenna! Can’t wait to see what the fans come up with …

Icon courtesy of beingothrwrldly.

Season 2 DVDs to release Sept. 12

It’s official — The Office Season 2 DVD set will be released September 12!

It is a 4-disc set. According to Jenna’s and Angela’s MySpace blogs, the set will include episode commentaries, webisodes, the PSAs, the Olympics promos, deleted scenes, and Jenna’s home movies!

There is a pre-order link on the details page with a purchase price of $37.98, but it doesn’t look like it’s working yet.

For more details, click here.

Y’all let me know when the pre-order link is working, and I’ll update this post.

Woo-hoo, we finally have a date!