As mentioned in The Office Season 2 DVD store specials post, Best Buy is selling an Office DVD Severance Package, including DVDs for both Season 1 and Season 2, and a nice little set of goodies.
The box design is clever — it looks like a Mini-Me version of a real business moving box. It’s the perfect size for storing your Office DVDs, and maybe even a couple more!
And you must try calling the phone number listed on Dwight’s business card:
Here are some photos …

I got the Target version with the booze cruise video. Now I wish I would’ve gotten this one…That’s so awesome!
That phone number is hilarious!!!
I pre-ordered mine from, and today they told me it was on backorder:
I guess I’ll be swinging into my local store! :-)
Just got a busy signal at Dwight’s phone number.
Hey… just for fun… can anyone make a digital recording of the message at Dwight’s phone number and post it? (1-800-984-DMPC)
The phone number is a great idea!!! It is so funny!!
A week and a day away!!!!!
Could someone post all pics from the calendar (big possible?) I just bought Target’s DVD and the calendar!
Yeah, very cool set. Got mine right at opening time yesterday. And if you’re trying the number and get a busy signal, keep trying. After a few tries you’ll probably get through. At first I thought it might be like that phone number they gave out on Scrubs a few years ago (I never called it myself): Sometimes it would go to voicemail, but occasionally it would be answered by one of the actors while on the set. If only this number did that. :)
I got this ONE!!
who called the number?!
You never know, Brad. You never know.
That message is pretty funny…it would have been better if it was actually dwight though.
i posted my favorite deleted scene on youtube…check it out:
When I went to Best Buy yesterday at lunchtime, the shelf was empty were the package was & I asked the kid working there if they were out & he said they had more & led me to a huge display of them in the center aisle. They must’ve had 50 there, so I don’t know how limited they really are. I debated & ended up just getting the regular ol’ version, due to lack of space for dvds & since I already have season 1. The only reason I went there is because I had a gift card that I had been saving for months I planned on using just for season 2. So I guess the point of this is if you go to Best Buy & it’s not on the shelf, they may have a bigger display of them elsewhere. I was actually surprised there were so many after hearing it was limited to 20 per store.
Ooo! Looks like Ben beat me to it, haha. Nvm then! :)
It took me all day but I finally got through. It was really funny. I really liked what he said at the end and the whole Lord of the Rings bit.
I got serevance package and it is awesome! I adore all the little tidbits in the calendor and all the Dunder Mifflin things make me feel like Pam at my computer. :D I haven’t tryed to phone number yet but you bet once I get home it’s the first thing I do!
Might I add, this may be the most awesome thing I’ve ever bought. My mom went to Best Buy, first in the store, and grabbed it. It is AMAZING, and I love the box sooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Awwwww man – I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG – I am listening to Dwight’s voicemail right now. That is hysterical!
Yeah, I was kinda mad because John wasn’t on any of the good commentaries.! =[
Like Casino Night or The Dundies.
Yeah, i was mad.
i loved the audio on the business card!! =]
“If you’re gonna get cut by paper, why not get cut by the best?” Was that Larry Wilmore?
Since this has been the latest DVD post I’d figure I’d put this here:
Did anyone else notice the extra moment in “Michael’s Birthday” right before Jim wishes Michael a happy birthday? Something to the effect of Michael eating a lot of cake, sugar crashing, and then the actual work gets done.
I about freaked…
YES!!! I got the last severance package at the best buy in marin city….
Well the last one unless they restock… I got there, and I saw the first shelf of the season 2 dvds, and I thoguht they didn’t have any left… but then I asked a sales assocaite and he thought there was no more left either, except we cehcked another shelf, and bam! there was one more..
great story I know..
oh yea it cost me50 bucks not 42… like it says here…
Oh man. Wouldn’t ya know. This comes out AFTER I bought seasons 1 and 2 already. I tried calling the 800# but kept getting a busy signal this morning. :-( Just isn’t my day today. Yes, I am having a case of the Mondays. :-(
Oh wow!! Look at comment #8 above!! Dare to dream one of the actors answering this 800# line. OMG! I would freak or pass out or just make a blithering idiot of myself if that happened. OMG. Too funny!!!
do they still have them??
These are sold out everywhere.. They went very quickly. I would like to buy it, if you have it still sealed please contact me to negotiate a price.