1. This deleted scene was funny. Dwight’s description of “ironic” deaths should have been left in the episode, which I thought was a little “light” on the laughs.

  2. Oh, Dwight!
    How are you such a genius? Sometimes I forget that behind your cluelessness hides some real smarts. Thanks for the advice. I will do my best to avoid dying ironically.

  3. Any scene (deleted or included) where Rainn just improvises as Dwight is absolutely fantastic. I could literally watch an hour straight of these rants, at least.

    Also, notice how much Dwight resembles Gareth (British “Office”) in these scenes? I love how much Rainn Wilson made Dwight his own, but I feel like this cockiness is a little nod to McKenzie’s character.

  4. Oh classic Dwight!! I’m really hankering for some good ole Season 2 -style shenanigans.

  5. Not my favorite episode but Dwight’s ironic deaths speech: priceless.

  6. I should not have been sipping an adult beverage while watching Dwight; it almost came out my nose.

  7. “What if I want my blood used for ritualistic purposes?” “We’ll talk later.” Hahaha! As much as I’m a JAM scene fan, I love the interactions like that between Dwight and Jim.

  8. “Be Donald Duck, not Donald Trump.” That’s philosophy to live by.

  9. If any of the deleted scenes should have made it, it was definitely the line Dwight described his soulmate. brilliant.

  10. After I watch deleted scene 2, I get the replay or play associated clips. In the assciated clips they show, clip 3 Dwight shows off his bobble heads.. the link takes me to the NBC deleted scenes site. Anybody else get this? I hope it’ll be resolved soon.

  11. When I play deleted scene #3, I have to endure a LONG advertisement for the movie “I Love You, Man.” And the ad unfolds in a herky-jerky motion, with a loud herky-jerky soundtrack. It is painful to watch and painful to listen to. But I still endure it, because… “I Love You, Office.”

  12. The 3rd clip won’t load. I can watch the ad that precedes it… but the clip itself will not play. What happens in it?

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