In the club, that is.
Craig Robinson (“Darryl”) will be appearing at Zanies Comedy Club in Chicago next week. Click here for details; dates are also listed in the OT calendar.
Here is a video clip of what looks to be a pre-Office performance in Comedy Central’s stand-up showcase, “Premium Blend.”
Who knew that the Office cast was so musically talented? — first Creed Bratton (“Creed”), then Melora Hardin (“Jan”), and now Craig Robinson. I think there should be a Dunder Mifflin talent show so these folks can really strut their stuff. :)
Thanks to Matthew for the scoop!
(And if any of you make it to a show, please come back to OT and report in …)
Hehehe, I cracked up at that title…
He really fleeces it out in that clip.
I will definitely be fleecing it out at one of these shows (providing there are tickets left) and report back!
That was great! I’d never seen him in anything outside of “The Office,” so I appreciate the clip. He’s got some mad skillz…who knew?!
I can’t believe I didn’t make that connection. I have that episode of Premium Blend (mostly for another comedian) on Tivo and always thought that his segment was really funny.
Yeah, I thought this was hilarious! So much hidden talent on our beloved show.
It just goes to show, there are no small actors on The Office, only small parts.
He’s the bouncer at the club in Knocked Up :)
I heard Craig Robinson play the piano and it seems like he grew up in church. He might want to return to his “first love” (God). It’s never too late.