Here’s a mashup of our favorite Dunder Mifflin CFO and “Suck It” entrepreneur, David Wallace.
[Video no longer available]
I grinned all the way through it. That’s what she said.
Where the thermostat is always set at 69.
Here’s a mashup of our favorite Dunder Mifflin CFO and “Suck It” entrepreneur, David Wallace.
[Video no longer available]
I grinned all the way through it. That’s what she said.
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Not gonna lie, this made me miss the good old days of The Office.
I still wish that Season 5 would have ended with Michael’s 15th anniversary party.
If this is a sign that there will be more David Wallace in Season 9, then I’m happy. He kind of represents a voice of reason amidst the chaos and I think that would provide some balance to what goes on in the office.
Yeah, I agree with you TobyFan. I think the interaction between David Wallace and Kevin would be kinda funny! I like how David is a reasonable guy and very realistic.
It seems weird to have a montage of a straight character. Every funny line in it was from a different character.
I wonder if it would be possible for David Wallace to take out his Suck It and remove Nellie from the Office…PS – Suck It might be the greatest jingle of all time.
I loved this mashup and I love David Wallace!!
@Dr. Crentist, DDS ‘I wonder if it would be possible for David Wallace to take out his Suck It and remove Nellie from the Office…PS – Suck It might be the greatest jingle of all time.’ ~ That is hilarious and I couldn’t agree with you more.
I loves me some David Wallace! Seeing him and his son singing Suck It at the end cracked me up, and like Cari said above…reminded me of some great past episodes.
I’m so damn glad David Wallace returned to the office. I hope he’s seen throughout the whole new (and final) season. And he better not be upset with Michael for moving to Colorado anymore. Plus, he has been during season 7 (although in deleted scenes, including the one in Michael’s final episode, that also appears in producer’s cut).