Scranton’s Times-Tribune reports:
The banner, which celebrated that the fictional paper company Dunder-Mifflin Inc., the setting for the popular television show, is based in Scranton, had hung at City Hall for more than a year.
“We discovered it missing recently,” City Hall maintenance worker Gary Francis said. “I don’t know how anyone could have done it, but the city is working on a replacement right now.”
Okay guys, ‘fess up!
Link: Dunder-Mifflin banner missing
Tipster: Amanda
I didnt do it i promise. I wish i did though.
Maybe Ryan took it so it could be replaced with Dunder Mifflin Infinity…
Keep your eyes on eBay….
Genius. Absolute genius. I’m mad I didn’t think of it first!
That’s hilarious!
I’m surprised it stayed up as long as it did!
(That’s what she said.)
They should get Dwight on the case he’d solve it in no time!
Whatever you do, do NOT look for it in my home office. Um, I mean…forget it, nothing to see here ;)
That would be such an awesome piece of Office memoribilia to hang in my room… not that I took it or anything. But now I kinda wish I did. Just kidding, but seriously, that would be awesome. =D
Former Lackawanna County Volunteer Sheriff’s Deputy Shrute is already on the case. He has drawn a chalk circle around the light pole the banner hung on!
I bet Creed did it.
Todd Packer took it
Now THAT’S funny!
On a side note, two weeks ago I noticed a Dunder-Mifflin banner in the background during an interview on the Today show. Anyone know what that’s about? Maybe that’s where the Scranton banner went!
Scranton needs to capitalize on this by selling copies of the banner so it doesn’t need to be stolen again. I’d buy one.
That’s not a bad idea, Jenny. I’d rather buy one than most of the things in the NBC store. It looks pretty cool.
I bet Andy took it. He’s always thinking one step ahead … like a carpenter … that makes stairs.
Hahaha! Dammit i wish it was me!
I don’t like that someone would stoop that low to have a piece of Dunder Mifflin. :(
Why would anyone steal something like that? You can’t show it off. Anyone who knows to be impressed by it will also know that it’s stolen.
Melissa in NC–
I see that banner/poster/whatever it is almost every morning on the Today show. I’m guessing it’s just a promotion for the show, though I wish I could see the entire thing!
The Office writers should do a spoof of this and have the Dunder Mifflin sign from the hallway go missing and Dwight can spear head the investigation like Claire suggested. That would be a fun little side plot to an episode.
haha i see that whenever i’m in scranton.
i totally would have taken that, tho. kudos to whomever did.
Hahaha…ohhh Office fans
that is hilarious.
How big is that banner?? Someone is pretty slick, I’m assuming it was around some light poles in the middle of downtown scranton right?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was in scranton last thursday and my husband and i were looking for that banner and could not find it. now i know why…
Well…really it’s not funny. Stealing is still stealing. This is now going to cost the city, and hence taxpayers, money. Sorry to rain on people’s parade that are getting a kick out of this, but this saddens me.
No. I did *not* steal that banner. (/Jim)
I think that’s kinda funny though.. hehe…
The Dunder Mifflin “banner” that is often seen when viewing the Today Show is actually a window of the NBC Experience Store on the corner of 49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza in NYC. It’s right across the street from Studio 1A, where they film the Today Show. It’s a good photo op if you’re ever in NYC and the store itself is pretty cool.