Ed Helms appeared on NBC’s ‘Today’ show this morning to talk about the movie ‘Meet Dave.’
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Absolutely, you should.
Ed Helms appeared on NBC’s ‘Today’ show this morning to talk about the movie ‘Meet Dave.’
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I’m so excited! I have my TiVo running as I write this. Also, don’t forget, he’s scheduled to be on Conan tonight, too!
Oh my gosh. The way he said “Nooo” was JUST LIKE Andy. I lol’ed.
Ed Helms is too handsome for words. John WHO? ;)
I can’t wait for his appearance on tonight’s Conan. I’m hoping for another musical performance (and maybe some interpretive dance, too?).
Tom Brokaw! That made me laugh so hard! Ed I love you.
This just made me really super excited to see season 4’s blooper reel! I think that John Krasinski and Ed Helms should have a impersonation stand off. How one would determine the winner, I do not know.
holy inappropriateness, kathie lee. sseeeeesh! i was embarrassed for him! gaw. and that chick on the cell phone outside was very distracting. why do people do that!? call a friend, ‘hey, look at me – i’m on teevee’ — yea. good on ya there chick. *eyeroll*
but that aside… wtg ed! :D
Wonderful interview – Ed is the best! I’m so glad he’s starting to get bigger roles in films now, though he definitely should not leave The Office anytime soon.
By the way, did anyone even know that he was in Meet Dave? I really don’t remember. And when did he say “John who?”
OMG! He did the same impression that he did at the convention.
I still love Gay Al Gore too. Great interview. He’s such a cutie. :)
OK – am I insane but did Ed look really HOT in this interview? Dayum! Probably a combo of his looks and personality. NICE!
Aw, I love Ed. I’ve been a fan of his since he started on The Daily Show and it’s great to see him get more exposure. Plus, he’s a sign of how talented people can make great things happen on The Office even if they sound like terrible/scary ideas at first.
To #9, Devon – Ed never said “John who?”. That was just a little joke I added to the end of my comment re: Ed’s handsomeness. :)
Oh, Thanks:)
Aw Ed. He seems really friendly and nice. Even with the awkward moment haha
Don’t know if anyone is aware but I’m pretty sure Ed’s Conan appearance has been pushed back to Friday.
I found out about Ed’s Conan bump too late. I turned on Conan tonight to see Al Roker. Woo-hoo. :S
I adore him.
He is so adorable. He just oozes cuteness :)
“Are you looking?” even made me feel awkward. haha but ed’s really nice about it i guess.
oh my.
she really could be like his mom. gross… “are u looking?”