Here is the video Ryan was watching on his laptop near the end of Act 1 in The Office episode ‘The Michael Scott Paper Company’:
“It’s just like, it’s just like, a mini, MALL …”
Tipster: Ben
Not to be truffled with.
Here is the video Ryan was watching on his laptop near the end of Act 1 in The Office episode ‘The Michael Scott Paper Company’:
“It’s just like, it’s just like, a mini, MALL …”
Tipster: Ben
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So happy that Ryan was watching this. I also loved the Maury clip on the TV in Dream Team. Makes it feel more like a documentary – recognizable cultural detritus in the background.
I’ve been thinking about the documentary style “The Office” shoots in and how it’s transitioned into more of a scripted sitcom style – specifically, I was watching the parking-lot scene in “The Duel”. Dwight looks into a camera that’s obviously three feet in front of him, and it cuts to the rest of the office watching from the conference room window – just Dwight, no camera. Given that there were multiple conspicuous references to the presence of cameras and a documentary crew in the “Parks and Recreation” premiere (“Did you get a grant to do this?” was a great line) I’m wondering whether they might start moving back towards that traditional documentary style.
Personally, I really want the documentary to be released on the show because the Christmas Special in the British version was hilarious and astonishing and I’d like to see how Michael Scott would handle that peculiar brand of infamy.
Wow, that was hilarious!!! So appropriate for last night’s episode.
lol, how do people find these things?
My mom was funny last night. She doesn’t really watch the office but when they showed Ryan watching that she goes “does he ever do any work?!” haha
that’s freakin hilarious
I couldn’t believe it when the song first came on. I used to watch that video all the time, it always cracked me up. I had forgotten about it though, until now.
This song is gonna be stuck in my head all weekend…thanks tanster :)
This is the greatest commercial ever made.
Ellen DeGeneres occasionally spotlights funny commercials or web videos on her show. A while back, she showed this commercial and then later had the rapping flea market owner on as a guest. I had finally gotten the song out of my head and now it’s back! Too funny.
We’ve known about ol’ Sammy and Flea Market Montgomery for a while. He’s about an hour southwest of here. He also did an Atlanta Braves promotion video to the same tune. He’s awesome!
I…cannot believe this is real :D
it’s hilaaarious. and I’m just watching, thinking…
“this can’t be real. is this real? no. it’s not. Oh sweet Jesus, is it?”
my thought pattern, how astonishing.
Dude, I’m sure that I actually saw this commercial on TV. My father and I were crying in laughter.
I eat lunch at a Chinese buffet in front of this guy’s flea market in Montgomery once every couple of weeks or so. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him eating there a couple of times.
I’m from Alabama and my friend actually met this guy, then had him call my cell phone (I didn’t answer) and sing the song into my voice mail! It was a magical voice mail that I still have saved.
So funny about this commercial. I used to work right across the street from this place!! It was soo funny to see this in the show! It’s actually an old commercial but it’s found fame all these years later.
MaddieMangnus… is a real commercial for a real place. Sad yes, but true hahaha! It’s still hilarious!