From the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly:
Wonder what would happen if the creative forces behind two of TV’s most beloved shows — ‘Lost’ and ‘The Office’ — swapped jobs for an episode?
Tipster: GMMR
The fansite you most medium suspect.
From the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly:
Wonder what would happen if the creative forces behind two of TV’s most beloved shows — ‘Lost’ and ‘The Office’ — swapped jobs for an episode?
Tipster: GMMR
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Haha…that was really entertaining. I wish they made these episodes for real.
That just made my day.
So, how soon until the inevitable Lost/Office mashup video appears on YouTube?
That’s so cool.
I really, really hate Lost, but this was cute.
ahhh i love it
I also like – “Jim IS Pam” haha that’s so great. That would solve the whole thing. Well, sorta.
That’s cool. Though in reality I think if G.D. produced Lost, Sun and Jin wouldn’t be married yet, even though there’s no real reason they shouldn’t be.
omg, hahaha.
dunder mifflin is satan’s playground.
that was great.
I just read this before coming on the computer and I laughed my butt off.
I’ve never seen an episode of LOST, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read all week! Granted, it’s only Monday…
Yeah, just for a joke they should combine the two shows for like Emmy night. I would give a…body part? to see Dwight finally use his survival instincts that he talks about every episode. And Michael defending…only himself.
that was amazing. i hope Damon directs an episode of The OFfice.