First place: Kim and Mike (props)

Kim said: “They ran all day! The kept playing 80s music in between takes … like Flashdance … and stretching and running laps around the stage. At the end of the day, we put toilet paper across the craft service area and they ran across the finish line. The whole crew cheered them on to the finish … SO FUN! They deserved to win … Congrats Kim and Mike — Props Rocks!”
Thanks, Kim, for putting this together. Now how do we apply for a job there? ;)
Happy Halloween, everyone!
I want to work there
I’ll work there for free.
Heck, I’ll pay them to work for them.
I like the numbers on Kim and Mike’s outfits. Very funny!
Those were some great costumes! I love how much fun everyone always seem to have on set. Thanks for sharing, Kim!
OMG this looks like so much fun!! I wish I could work there!
I love Kim and LaVerne’s costumes! Mindy’s was hot. 69 and 420…ohh I wish I could chill with these guys. 8)
Ha ha ha the 80’s runners complete with sweat stains. That look like so much fun. Today my students came in every variation of the Heath Ledger Joker times 10, but not one musical cat.
I like how Vartan the costume judge really dressed like a judge, complete with robe and briefs. I wonder if he used the squeaky gavel?
OMG! Mindy, you look sooo good in white.
Thank you very much for all the nice pictures!!
Yay for the Groucho costume!
I clicked through to the last pic and thought someone had raided my shoebox of school pictures. Subtract the tights,sweatbands,and racing number on Kim,that’s me in 6th grade – yikes!
I think the walkmans were a nice touch. Leave it to my sister to come up with great props! Way to go Kim!
i love you, kim and mike! you’re my favorites.
Loved the pictures. How I wish I was there. And Vartan the craft services guy looks like Emeril.