Without B.J. Novak, there would be no Cadbury egg controversy, no Kool-Aid man, no Five Families, and no d-bag performance of the year.
Most importantly, there would be no OfficeTally.
Happy Birthday to the hottest Beardy we know,
B.J. Novak!
I guess this was worth being filmed nonstop for nine years.
Without B.J. Novak, there would be no Cadbury egg controversy, no Kool-Aid man, no Five Families, and no d-bag performance of the year.
Most importantly, there would be no OfficeTally.
Happy Birthday to the hottest Beardy we know,
B.J. Novak!
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Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday B.J.!
Hope you have a great one mate! ;)
dan levy sends his love. happy birthday
Happy Birthday, B.J.! Hope you have fun! But only after you finish writing an awesomely hilarious episode for season 5.
Well said Tanster.
Happy Birthday B.J.!
Happy Birthday B.J.!
That’s a smokin’ hot photo too!
Happy birthday, B.J. Hope it’s a good one!
Temp! Temp! Temp!
Happy birthday, B.J.!!!
Happy Birthday BJ!
BJ, you are great. So funny, and a pretty awesome writer also!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, B.J.! Make sure no one combines the birthdays on this day. Go out an make it a great one.
Happy Birthday BJ! Hope you have a good day!
Happy birthday…fire guy.
Hey, tanster, I called him Fire Guy!
Happy Birthday BJ!!!
Happy Birthday!
To the man that brought us Diversity Day! If I could, I would throw you a party in pink – Kelly Kapoor style, o’course!
Happy Birthday, B.J.!
Without you, not only would we not have THE best show on television, we wouldn’t have this wonderful community here.
You rock! You’re so hot…and you’re so…hot…
Have a great day, B.J.! You’re my favorite writer on The Office.
Happy 29th, B.J.! Hope it’s the best one yet!
P.S. You are exactly 4 days younger than me!
P.P.S. Thanks for getting me addicted to The Office by writing Diversity Day. I still say it’s one of the most brilliant episodes of television ever written.
Happy Birthday!Thanks for all the great episodes you have written!
Have fun filming the new season of The Office!
Happy birthday, BJ!
“the hottest beardy”…. Tanster you have such a way with words :)
Happy Birthday BJ!!!
Happy Birthday BJ!! we love you!!!
and nicely put, tanster :)
Happy Birthday, Beardy! Thank you for writing some of my favorite episodes and thanks for being so nice to us when we meet you!
I hope you have a great year!
Happy birthday BJ! I thoroughly enjoyed Ryan’s transformation to douchitude this season, complete with beard. Keep writing terrific episodes as you always do!
You forgot no tilde on the Lemonade. :)
Happy B-day, B.J.!
Have a great birthday! Thank you so much for all brilliant moments you have brought us!
Happy Birthday B.J.!
Have a great birthday, BJ! Though I definitely agree that you’re the hottest Beardy we know, I do hope this next season will be a “beard-free” one for you!
#17, you weren’t even here for that!
Happy birthday to the hottest felon on TV!
Hopefully you write more episodes this year!
Happy birthday, B.J.
[32.. you beat me to that haha.]
Happy Birthday BJ!!
Skip around the room! Skip around the room!
First time I kinda liked that beard is that pic. Nice choice, tanster.
Happy b-day, BJ!
(I rhymed.)
Happy birthday, B.J.! Ryan is one of my favorite characters, mainly because he starts off so quiet, and then explodes into a massive jerk. And I love Kelly and Ryan.
Oh wow!!! I had absolutely NO idea I shared a birthday with BJ!! lol I knew J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, and I were birthday mates…but BJ…welcome aboard buddy!!! Happy 29th to you and Happy 17th to me!!! lol
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday b.j!!
Happy Bday to the guy with the best lines ever on the show! Ryan is my all time fav character!
Happy 29th! You’re my hero!
You are the reason behind my Bonto name.
Have a great day, BJ!
Happy birthday to Mr. Wonderful BJ Novak, who writes amazingly great episodes, does the best DVD commentary, and has the character of Ryan perfected to a T! I saw his stand up show in Seattle with the incomparable Dan Mintz and it was pure awesomeness.
PS:(I just saw that Mindy Kaling is scheduled to be on Letterman tonight–maybe she will do a happy birthday shout out to BJ, too!)
Happy Birthday, B.J.!!!! You are awesome!
oooh look at that smoldering look
happy birthday man- do what you want
now get back to work on making season 5 the best ever!
Happy b-day, BJ. Better blow out those birthday candles before they start a… fire.
I know, cheesy.
A little birthday advice: that particular expression isn’t going to make you any friends in prison.
I’m very glad that you were born. xD
One of the best things that happened to the world!
#32 Matt
Way too funny, mate – you made me cry I laughed so much!
Happy birthday B.J.!