Happy Birthday to Ms. Jenna Fischer,
who is without question
the heart and soul of The Office,
both on set and off!
We love you, Jenna.
Have a wonderful day!
Not to be truffled with.
Happy Birthday to Ms. Jenna Fischer,
who is without question
the heart and soul of The Office,
both on set and off!
We love you, Jenna.
Have a wonderful day!
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ooohhh…happy birthday jenna!
Happy Birthday to Jenna!
aww happy birthday jenna! you are the biggest office fangirl around which makes it really easy to be your fan. hope you get a lot of presentssss!!!
happy birthday jenna!!
Happy birthday, Jenna! tanster’s absolutely right. You’re the heart and soul of “The Office”. Pam’s such a great character, and you’ve done a peerless job in your portrayal of her.
Happy Birthday! I hope that it is an awesome day for you! :)
Happy Birthday Jenna!!! Hope you have a good one!!!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Jenna – Thanks for all you do for us fans! You are sooo appreciated! Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday indeed! We all love you.
Have a great birthday and enjoy your special day! We love you!
Very best birthday wishes to you Jenna!
Happy Birthday Jenna! You are such a talent! Love you in The Office and Slither… can’t wait to see you in Blades of Glory!
and a Happy B-day to you Jenna!
Happy BIRD-ay, jenna!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Happy Birthday Jenna :)
Happy birthday, Jenna! Thank you for rekindling my love for baking cupcakes.
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Happy naked day! Is that inappropriate? You know “birthday suit”, never mind.
Happy B-Day Jenna!
Awww, happy birthday, Jenna! Tanster said it perfectly – you really are the heart and soul of The Office, and we fans adore you for it.
Happy birthday! You’re the most amazing person alive in every way.
Thanks Jenna for being so involved in The Office’s fan base. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to the best person and one of the best actresses in Hollywood
Yea, Jenna! Happy birthday from a fellow former St. Louis resident!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
I hope someone makes you cupcakes (and uses the super-awesome Cupcake Courier to bring them to you)!
I hope you have a great day!
Michelle :-)
happpy birthday jennaa :D
I, too, feel the same things towards Jenna that everyone else feels, as well…
So Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Jenna! :D
Woohoo-33rd birthday comment for her 33rd birthday! Happy Birthday Jenna!
Happy Birthday, dear Jenna. Happy Birthday to you!!!! :)
Happy Birthday to Jenna Fischer, AKA “The Definition of Hot.”
Hope you have a great day and lots more future success. Happy Birthday Jenna.
“Happy bird day”! We all love you and appreciate all that you do!
Yippy! Happy birthday, Jenna!!!!!!!
Hope you get to “JAM” up your B-Day Jenna!!
Happy Birthday, Jenna! I hope you have a fantastic day.
Happy birthday Jenna :)
Happy birthday to the thinking man’s crumpet.
Happy B-Day
Happy birthday Jenna! I love you! You’re a great actress!
Happy Birthday to our favorite Office girl!
Happy Birthday Pammie!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
“Let’s hope the only downsizing that happens to you is that someone downsizes your age” Just kidding, you’re the best! Happy B-day!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful actress on Television!!
She doesn’t look a day over 25.
Happy Birthday Jenna!
You are incredibly amazing!
[Whoa, I just noticed this is pretty much the exact same thing that everybody else said]
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all that you do for us! You’re the best!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Happy Birth Moment Jenna!!!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Hope your day is as amazing as you are!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jenna! Happy birthday to you!
If that was the real Jenna greeting us and saying she loves us- that’s the ultimate example of why we love her right there, isn’t it? Happy birthday Jenna, and again, we all love you.
I wonder how Pam would celebrate her own birthday?
Happy B-Day to the most beautiful girl on TV! Have a great day!
Happy birthday Jenna! Thanks for always being so great to the fans- putting that Myspace Halloween costume slide show up and your comment below are a couple of perfect examples. Hope you have a great day, and maybe some mint chocolate chip ice cream cake too.
A wonderful and kind person like you deserves the best birthday ever!!!!
Love you,
Hope you got everything you wanted today!!
Happy Birthday, Jenna!! You totally rock!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope it totally rocks :)
happy birthday..PAMMIE!! haha have a wonderful day!!
Happy Birthday Jenna!
Keep smiling…you’re gorgeous!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jenna. How ’bout a mint chocolate chip cake? :)~
All right, someone clue me in to the mint chocolate chip ice cream cake joke.
And happy birthday, Jenna.
CJF, back in season 1, Michael insisted that the office get Meredith an ice cream cake, despite the fact that she’s allergic to dairy.
Happy Birthday Jenna!
You rock.
and your born in march so that makes you even cooler than you already are
march bdays rock
Jenna rocks
yeah! happy b-day, jenna!
Happy Bird-Day, Jenna! ;)
I think the mint chocolate chip ice cream cake bit is in reference to Michael’s insistence on having an ice cream cake for Meredith’s very early birthday celebration in ‘The Alliance’, despite protests from Angela and Pam. Michael was determined to have ice cream cake and silenced the entire ice cream cake debate by blurting out “Mint chocolate chip!”.
Happy Birthday to Jenna indeed, although I for one would strictly argue that Steve Carell is the heart and soul of the office.
Happy Birthday, Jenna! Hope you’re having fun and not working too hard. We all love you! :-)
Yay Jenna! Happy Birthday, you rock girlfriend!
Happy birthday Jenna! You are awesome!! THanks for all the great office moments.