And very Happy Birthday greetings also go out to Steve Carell, a kind and soft-spoken man with an amazing talent for time travel …
No wait, I’m confusing him with his character from Second City’s “Life As We Know It.”
Have a great day, Steve!
Tipster: officeisms1978
Happy Birthday to the person that saved “The Office.” If it wasn’t for the success of “The 40 Year Old Virgin,” we wouldn’t have had a second season of “The Office.” That said, thank you for staying on the show, even though you now have an established film career. I can’t imagine anyone else playing Michael Scott.
Thank you for all of the laughs you’ve provided over the years. From what I’ve heard, you’re one of the nicest people ever, and I wish nothing but success in every aspect of your life :)
Happy B-Day Steve! You are sooo talented and I wish all the best to you! And good luck at the Emmys, I’m rooting for you!
Happy Bird Day, Steve!
Woo hoo! Happy B-Day!!!
I’m running to the store right now to get trick candles for the ice cream cake! I know how much you love mint chocolate chip! Happy birthday Steve!!!
Happy Birthday, Steve!
I am now considering cutting my hair like future mark.
Happy B-day Steve
Happy Birthday Steve! Sorry your party’s so lame.
This month is such a special one; its birthday time for you. We’d really like to celebrate your happy day with you. Zip-a-dee-ay and heigh-dee-ho, here something we can do. We’ll sing a song that we all know, Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Steve!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Steve!
How funny is his hair in that clip? That alone made me laugh. Thanks for reposting it Tanster!
Happy Birthday Steve!
Happy Birthday, Steve! This is your year at the Emmys!
Feliz Cumpleanos, Steve! You are an amazingly wonderful person!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for not continuing future Mark’s hair. That was very Flock-of-Seagulls-esque.
Happy Birthday to one of the nicest and funniest actors out there! Have a great one!!!!
happy birthday steve!
lol in that skit i did not understand the restaurant scene at all until i finally realized that the waiter was steve carell! he looks/sounds so different in that role.
LOL, I watched that video three times before I realized the waiter was Steve.
Have a great day, Steve! You are an amazingly talented actor and comedian, and more importantly, you seem to be an even more wonderful person. Best of luck at the Emmys! :)
Happy Birthday, Steve! We love you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE! I hope you continue to play Michael Scott for a long, long time. :) Can’t wait for Season 4!
If we pretend that Steve and Phyllis were born in the same year it would give awesome meaning to: “We’re about the same age”.
Happy Bird Day!!! (Overused? Oh well)
Happy Birthday to my favorite Office character!! I love you, Steve!!!
Steve! Happy b-day to ya!
Reason number 1,450 I love The Office? I go into a store today, see a guy, and think, “Hey, he kind of looks like a blonde Steve Carell!” Anyway, you rock.
Happy birthday Steve! Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert presented an award at the Emmys last year, and I just thought it would be cool if you and Stephen had a mini Even Stevphen reunion by presenting an award at this year’s edition too! I can’t wait for the banter between you guys if that’s the case :) Thank you so much for your peerless portrayal of Michael (one of the best characters on TV ever!) and for your immense contribution in helping make “The Office” the critical and popular success that it is! Have a great day and best of wishes!