And speaking of snow, I’m off to go play in some! My first white Christmas. Ever.
Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday!
Jennie (aka tanster)
Always thinking ahead, like a carpenter who makes stairs.
And speaking of snow, I’m off to go play in some! My first white Christmas. Ever.
Hope you guys have a wonderful holiday!
Jennie (aka tanster)
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Haha, this is funny. Enjoy your white Christmas tanster!!
That’s awesome Tanster! I love it that Toby is the one who gets pummeled in the jewels (and by Michael?). Very appropriate. Have fun in the snow!
[from tanster: thank you for noticing. i had to rearrange the “heads” to make sure it was michael who hit toby. ;) ]
Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy the snow. I have more than I want here =)
Happy holidays, Jennie! Thanks for the gift of OfficeTally :)
Merry Christmas & have fun in the snow!!
Ha! That video is perfect – I love JibJab.
I hope you enjoy your first white Christmas, tanster! Unfortunately it’s warm enough here in southern Kentucky to not even need a coat. Oh well. Have fun!
Happy Holidays to all!
Aww, that was cute! Poor Toby!
Enjoy your white Christmas, Tanster! Where I used to live, we had that all the time. Shame I don’t get that where I live now. LOL!
First white Christmas, huh?
Sorry, someone had to do it.
Happy Holidays, Tanster and all my fellow Tallyheads!
I hope you all have the chance to spend time with loved ones. Also, that you get lots of presents, because it’s like a tangible thing you can point to and be like “hey, man, they love me this many dollars worth.”
Happy holidays, everyone! Enjoy your white Christmas tanster, that’s something I definitely take for granted living in semi-northern Canada.
I hope you enjoy your white Christmas tanster! Thanks for giving us the present of Office scoop all year long :)
I love how calm everyone’s faces are during the snowball fight. Such appropriate expressions for a show like The Office!
Merry Christmas Tanster and Tallyheads! You all add a bright little spot to my day! :)
NICE!!! hahahaha
Merry Christmas !!!
someone should send this to Jenna! she would love it! :)
Right back at you!! Enjoy the snow and happy new year. Thanks for Office Tally…it keeps a lot of us sane:)
Happy Holidays to you too Jennie and to everyone on Officetally!
Thanks for all your great work this year! :)
…..*head tilt*
that was….. odd.
Merry Christmas Tallyheads and Tanster! Tanster, thanks so much for everything you do :)
Merry Christmas Tanster and Tallyheads!
Hee. That was fun!
Merry Christmas to you too Tanster, and all you fellow Tallyheads!
I got a Dwight Bobble head for Christmas!!!
Hhmm..White Christmas…tanster, are JK and EB getting married in Boston and you got invited?
That was cute! Merry Christmas, Tanster! Much thanks for all that you do for us Tallyheads!
Three bobbleheads (Pam/Andy/Dwight) and a Scranton company picnic shirt from my fiance!
Best. Christmas. Ever!
Got Dwight, Stanley, and Andy bobbleheads…woot!
I got Andy, Oscar, Phyllis, and Stanley bobbleheads! I also got the Office Clue game, a Scranton company picnic Tshirt, a Dunder Mifflin badge holder and a Dunder Mifflin shotglass. What can I say – I’m easy to shop for. :)
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!
I got a Dunder Mifflin note pad and the Hallmark Keepsake ornament…my tree is complete now! Yay!
Have fun in the snow everyone and be safe!
Aren’t White Christmases the best?? Thanks for all you do, Tanster–Happy Holidays :)
i got a dwight bobblehead from my sister last year (and interestingly enough, i got her the same thing that year).
this year, she gave me an andy bobblehead for my birthday (which was on the 10th) and for christmas, she gave me pam!