It is your birthday.

The Office Birthday Cake

A Tallyhead who wishes to remain anonymous wrote in to say: “It was recently my birthday, so I absofruitly had to have an Office birthday cake! I think rice paper was used for the picture with some sort of edible ink. This came along with a shiny new copy of The Office: Season Five on DVD, but sadly, no Golden Ticket. I thought it was awesome and wanted to share this with y’all other Office fans.”

The Office Birthday Cake


  1. I love how the candles were placed around the outside of the cake, so not to destroy the awesomeness of it.

  2. Awesome! Photo cakes are truly the best.

    To #3 Luisa- I had an edible Steve Carell picture put on my graduation cake this past May and his face is still in my freezer because I couldn’t bear to eat it. LOL It is a nice surprise every time I open the freezer though.

    [from tanster: this is by far the funniest thing i’ve read today!]

  3. Wow, what an awesome and delicious looking cake! Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday, anonymous Tallyhead.

  4. I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet –
    “Hey! I would like a nice slice of Christmas Pam. Side of candy Pams. And perhaps some Pam chops.”
    well…okay it’s not *exactly* cakey Pams (lol, Pam-cakes?!), but really close ;-)

  5. Great cake! I think I wouldn’t be able to eat anyone’s faces, so they’d be very weird shaped slices from that cake . = )

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