“Don’t look so sad, it’s not so bad you know
It’s just another night, that’s all it is
It’s not the first, it’s not the worst you know
We’ve come through all the rest, we’ll get through this …
It’s just another New Year’s Eve, let’s make it the best …
… when we’re through this New Year, you’ll see, we’ll be just fine.”
Photo taken by Tallyhead Brad after The Office set shut down in November.
OMG! I’m going to cry. :(
It looks gloomy, but I hope it will get better. It makes me miss the office and all the humor. Good thing I have all three seasons on DVD!
That is just the saddest thing. Well I still wish everyone a safe and happy New Year’s. :)
I always find New Year’s Eve a bit depressing for some reason. This sad, sad photo doesn’t help. I just watched S1 yesterday and think we’ll dig out S2 soon. Let’s hope 2008 brings us an end to this strike so we can get the fugly plastic tarps off those precious desks!
I seriously began to tear up when I saw this photo. Seriously
You’re about to make a grown man CRY…….
Oh geez…how sad :(
*sniff* Come back!
What a sad way to bring in the new year. I started to tear up a little bit.
Wow, that is seriously depressing.
I’m seriously gonna CRY!!!!!!!! It is sooooo heartbreaking….
That picture is pretty much my worst nightmare come true.
that’s sooo sad. I’m going to go watch Fun Run right now because I don’t want to start 2008 with that kind of feeling.
That’s such a sad picture. :(
Wow…what a sad picture. I’m thiiis close to crying. Let’s hope 2008 will bring back our beloved show. I know I definitely need my Thursday night laughs back!!!
You’re really harshing my mellow
So Sad. I wonder what Jim and Pam would be doing right now if there were writers to tell us.
That is really sad, I wish it would end, so all of that plastic, or whatever it is could come down! Arg….
Wow. It’s so sombering to see that.
I have dreamed a dream, and now that dream has gone from me.
Lets hope the networks lose lots and lots of money quickly so we can get this thing resolved.
Happy New Year everyone.
2008 will be much better. Thank you for all the work you do and my thoughts are with the crew tonight. I love you all!
I started crying…but only because it started snowing at exactly midnight.
Aah, what a downer.
Just thinking of all the brilliance being stifled by this writer’s strike is so sad. The Office writers are the best in the business and I support them wholeheartedly. But I can’t help but wonder what direction the season would have gone in if things had gone along on schedule. And where they might go when things get back to normal. Here’s hoping the strike is resolved soon so everyone can get back to work! Happy New Year’s, fellow Tallyheads!
I miss you all!
Office staff, crew, WRITERS, cast, and fellow Office fans–We’ll get through this soon enough. I miss Office Thursdays, and the more lively activity of Officetally.
Let’s all hope this will be solved before 2008 slips away!
Wow. I already watched the entire first season today, and now I’m ready to watch the other three seasons, thanks to this… How sad.
What a bummer pic. Wow.
Here’s to a great 2008! Hopefully the strike will end soon and our favorite show’s crew, writers and cast will be back at work.
Thank you for a great OfficeTally year, tanster!
Happy New Year!
So sad. :(
I want to cry. I miss Michael not working and being all politically incorrect, Dwight bossing everyone around, Jim (enough said), Stanley doing his crosswords, the accountants doing their accounting things, Pam answering the phone “Dunder Mifflin this is Pam”, Creed doing his weird creepy things. . .
that does make me sad. I was so happy to start my new year with my office calendar but watching this is a real downer.:(
Oh how depressing. But think how the cast and crew feels….
I miss my Thursday night routine of putting the kids in bed early and watching The Office with a glass of wine and a Swiss Cake Roll.
Here’s hoping the strike gets resolved SOON!
No Jim and Pam Christmas…no mistletoe kiss, no New Years kiss, ugly plastic tarp everywhere, I’m crying inside. Happy New Year, Office, come back soon!
Santa didn’t bring what u wanted him to bring…
Very sad. I am off to write more letters! I was lucky to receive a Dwight Bobblehead from a fellow co-worker and office fan for Christmas. THANK YOU!!! I hope the strike ends soon! I wish you all the best in 2008!
:( that hurts.
Happy New Year everyone! Make it a good one!
This picture makes me so sad. The set looks so lonely and forlorn. *tear* I miss the office.
way to make me cry tanster
that is depressing. come back soon.
The Office is that girlfriend who leaves on a business trip and promises to come back but doesn’t know exactly when. You meet other women while she’s gone but none of them can make you feel the way that she makes you feel. So you reminisce on old episodes, oops I mean photos, of her but all that does is make you miss her even more. So what do you do? You wait… and wait… maybe write a letter… then wait some more. It gets extremely boring & sad but you stay patient and loyal because know that the day she comes back.. you’ll cherish and enjoy her company more than you have ever have before.
Happy New Year Tallyheads! Be patient.
Look at Dwight’s desk all… plastic :'(
How very sad. Nobody covered up Homer Simpson. Oh, how very dusty his bald yellow head will be when the show comes back.
Okay, this made me cry. Happy New Year? Yeah right… :(
Well that’s just depressing.
There are five stages to grief which are, denial, anger, bargining, depression, and acceptance. And right now, out there, they are all denying the fact that they’re sad. And that’s hard and it’s making them all angry. And it is my job to get them all the way through to acceptance. And if not acceptance, then just depression. If I can get them depressed then I will have done my job.
It’s the end of the Office as we know it, and I feel fine!
Barry Manilow? Interesting choice. Also, the only reason I started crying when I looked at this was because it was New Year’s and it started snowing at exactly midnight!
This goes in the hall of fame for saddest picture ever! It makes me want to cry looking at all that plastic covering up so many office memories!I cried knowing that the exact place where Jim and Pam kissed for the first time is now covered up in plastic! Please office come back soon! We miss you!
Stupid Strike! curse you plastic covers!!!
I’m sorry if I seem stupid asking this but what song is the quote from? It is from a song right?
“It’s Just Another New Years Eve” by Barry Manilow is the song…