Cool stuff I got from Jenna

As requested by Brad and James, here’s the cool stuff I got from Jenna yesterday!

I received this incredibly sweet note from Jenna, along with an autographed copy of Jenna’s film, LolliLove (signed by Jenna and her co-star and husband, James Gunn), as a result of her MySpace swag giveaway.

As you can imagine, I am thrilled beyond THRILLED.

Thank you SO MUCH, Jenna! I am definitely going to frame your note and display it with giddy fangirl pride. :)


  1. Very cool. A couple days ago I received my giveaway prize… a faux-gold charm bracelet. It made me realize that I really need a girlfriend now to give it to. Like, seriously.

    I found it rather humorous that my winning sparked some controversy (as noted in the “The Contest Winners” blog post). I had actually sent Jenna a message saying that since there was a potential tossup with me and another poster that the other poster could have the bracelet since I don’t need a bracelet and don’t have anyone to give it to. But I’d still take the note, even though I have a strict don’t-ask-for-autographs-if-you’re-over-16 policy.

    So in her note to me Jenna said that rules are rules and that I won, and she hopes I “find a lucky lady who enjoys it.”

    Jenna was the reason I created a myspace account back in March (it was so I could contact her about Lollilove and my concerns about the movie… some of the offensive-in-passing material hit too close to home and even though I knew damn well it was a satire, the outtakes had James and her breaking character with the offensiveness so I just had to get confirmation that my favorite actress didn’t find that stuff in itself to be funny… I’m still rather embarrassed by it, but she wrote a thoughtful and reassuring response the next day), so yeah, I was pleased. Even if I have no use for fake jewelry.

  2. ooh it arrived!! i was so incredibly excited for you when i saw that you got in first for the dvd! lollilove looks really funny too.

  3. Very, very, very cool Jennie!! As Jenna said in the note, you deserve it! You’ve really done a lot to get the word out about The Office because of this site. I love that you have quotes from the show on here so I can kind of relive my favorite lines at a moment’s notice. Way to go!! :)

  4. Keep up the dedication! I’m more than convinced you’ll be able to meet the entire cast. I’m thrilled beyong thrilled for you too!

  5. Thanks so much for all the kind words, everybody!

    Just remember that Jenna mentions she may do another swag giveaway soon: “I’ll keep collecting extra swag and we’ll do this again sometime. Maybe as a kick-off to next season.” :)

  6. Oh, wow, Jennie! I saw that you had won the autographed LolliLove DVD on Jenna’s blog. Thanks for putting up a picture of it. That is SO great. I’m very happy for you and it couldn’t have gone to a nicer person. Isn’t Jenna awesome?!

  7. Awww, Lori, thanks!

    Yes, Jenna was absolutely amazing for giving away her swag, and then taking the time to write those lovely notes on top of that! She is awesome.

  8. OMG – this is awesome. Wow!! How awesome! I tell ya – you have just the best fansite I’ve ever been to for any show in my life. You manage your site very well and it is so user-friendly and easy to navigate through. I found your site when I was googling for some office quotes last year and have been here almost daily ever since. I about lost it when i heard your site and northernattacks site mentioned in the season 2 audio commentary for helping petition NBC to make the season finale a supersized episode. Great job!

    And so awesome that you have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time it seems. Wow. Your visit to the set for a day must’ve seemed so surreal, like the moment in Notting Hill when Julia Roberts’ character came inside and changed in Hugh Grant’s flat. It’s like OMG is this really happening?

    Keep up the good work. I’m a huge fan of your site!

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