Since Jenna mentioned OfficeTally in her blog this week (thanks Jenna!), I thought I’d better post a more detailed listing of Jenna’s Blades of Glory coverage. :)
Articles in which Jenna talks about The Office
SPOILER WARNING! Articles and subsequent comments will contain spoilers. All three have been previously posted here at OT.
- About.com: Interview with Jenna Fischer
- CHUD.com: Interview: Jenna Fischer (Blades of Glory)
- USA Today: Salchows and silliness at ‘Blades’ bash
Other articles
- Straight.com Vancouver: Fischer makes those funny guys funnier
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Not just another day at ‘The Office’ for Fischer
- STLtoday.com: Hometown girl Fischer is earning A’s at Comedy U.
- L.A. Times: Skating on thick ice
- Entertainment Weekly: Of Ice and Men
Tipsters: Christopher, Nancy
Blades of Glory was really funny. I just saw it tonight. Jenna and John Heders (is that his name?) kiss was hilarious! The boob groping scene was equally funny. “A Boob Handshake”
Which one is Jenna?
jenna plays pam, biking, and in BoG she plays katie.
Oh my God, if you haven’t seen Blades of Glory yet, go! It’s so funny. Jenna does an awesome job.
I just came back from ‘Blades of Glory’. It was hilarious!!
very very funny.
Jenna was awesome in Blades of Glory!
I loved that movie. That kiss between Heder and Jenna was blahahahahahahaha.
Jenna + Blades of Glory + everyone else in that movie = AWESOME!
That is a really cute picture :)
Yay Jenna! She was pretty cute in the movie – very Pam-like!
And it was dang funny. :-)
Jenna was ADORABLE as usual!!! and the “boobs” scene…. hilarious!!!! all that aside, it was probably the funniest movie i’ve seen in a while!
While I didn’t think “Blades” was as funny as everyone else apparently did (Face it: Will Farrell plays the same character in virtually every film), it was worth it to see Jenna on the big screen!
Blades of Glory was a great movie!! I’m very glad that Pam knows how to kiss better than Katie. If you haven’t seen it yet, go see it!! It’s too funny and Jenna is too cute :)
Jenna was hilarious and adorable in Blades of Glory. I was so excited every single time she was on screen. Because I’m dorky like that. The movie was hilarious on the whole. And especially Jenna.
I saw Blades of Glory today. Jenna was very good, and totally adorable. God she’s beautiful.
And she had a much larger part than I expected. I think I was expecting her to be in a scene or two and to have a few lines but she was one of the main six characters in the movie. I look forward to seeing her in her other movies.
i just watched blades of glory yesterday and I loved it! i thought the boob grabbing scene with will ferrell and jenna was a classic. i agree with everyone, jenna was way too adorable. her character (katie) seems to be a bit unexperienced when it comes to a good make-out session :).
2thumbs up for Jenna’s performance in Blades of glory w/a 9/10rating!!
In one of the interviews, Jenna mentioned that she actually gets gifts sent to her house by fans. Does it bother anyone else to read about that? I mean, what I love about Jenna is that she doesn’t complain (like so many other celebrities) about the loss of privacy as a cost of fame, and she’s genuinely appreciative and thankful for the success of the show and the support of the fans. I’m sure the fans’ intentions are good, but still, it’s sad to read about how her own private space seems to be intruded upon.
I LOVE JENNA! And she was AWESOME in Blades of Glory! Hilarious movie, go see it!
Blades of Glory was very funny (if you like Ferrell and Heder). Jenna was good, but they really didn’t give her much to work with. Her character in this movie didn’t have much development at all (and not many lines). But, yeah, Jenna looks great, and the kiss scene was funny. :)
omg. Blades of Glory was really funny.
Wow, I hate to say it, folks, but I didn’t think that Jenna was good in ‘Blades’. While I realize that her character was supposed to be meek and mild, I didn’t feel like she made the character distinctive or interesting. Perhaps the fault was in the writing and/or the directing. Of course, my expectations for Jenna are high because she is so brilliant as Pam. While her character in ‘Blades’ seemed wooden and two-dimensional, Pam is a real, multi-layered character who I feel like I learn more about with every episode.
I have read similar criticisms of Jenna’s performance on the Office LJ, Dwide. However, we have to keep in mind the limitations of the role with which Jenna is given (which you have also mentioned). It’s a straight role which, within the strict time constraints of a movie that is geared mainly towards outright comedy, would inherently pale next to showier roles like Ferrell’s; the writing, understandably, isn’t that invested in making her character a three-dimensional one. I’ve read some mainstream reviews which said that her role was under-written, which I think is a fairer assessment; an actor, however good, can only work with what he/she is given. This isn’t The Office, which with its weekly constancy, affords both time and space (not to mention a higher quality of writing) with which Jenna can work her magic in making Pam, as you’ve pointed out, such a multi-layered and empathetic character.
Check out this Blades of Glory press junket
For shame! Pam Beesely drops a few F-bombs!
[from tanster: definitely NSFW!]
I’m over Will Farrell. But Jenna? She was amazing!