A few photos of John Krasinski from tonight’s world premiere of the JJ Abrams’ movie ‘Cloverfield.’
Click either photo to go to its larger version.
Tipster: Stephanie
Enabling Office addictions since 2006.
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could those photos get any better?
lovin’ the second one. looking at these is the perfect way to start any day!
I think I’ve found my new desktop!
I think my heart just skipped a beat when I saw these photos!
Yum. Sorry, that’s the first word that comes to mind.
Alas, JK has rendered me silent…
Just when I think I am getting over my crush, I see another picture and my heart goes pitter patter. Glad to hear updates on him!
Aww John. Likes his monster movies. I really liked Cloverfield. Pretty entertaining flick.
This was quite possibly the best thing to wake up to this morning! Thanks tanster!
Wow….he looks totally hot!!! Those green eyes, that smile, the “Jim” hair….
I miss my Jim so much!! I am to the point where I absolutely NEED new Office episodes. I hope the strike gets resolved very soon.
Sooo dreamy!
Wow…smoking HOT!!! Those eyes…*swoon*
You know how to make a horrid work day brighter Tanster! Keep those pics coming :) Yum-o
He’s gorgeous!
Oh, he is so gorgeous…I miss my Jim. Thank you so much for posting those pictures!
I know I’ve said like a gazillion times, but I’d climb him like a tree. This has totally renewed my crush. Me love you long tim.
Uh, is it me or did it just get very hot in here. And is that my pulse quickening? Yep, easily more effective than the stair master.
Oh J.Kras, how I’ve missed you so. A+!
ooooooh I love the one on the left! I really miss Halpert in my life!
Not a bad way to start the day. Not bad at all. Loving the black sweater. Yowza!!!
Omg that just made my day! Haha he’s awesome
The photo on the right ought to have a warning: “May elevate heart rate to dangerous levels. Those with pacemakers should avoid prolonged viewing.”
Yowza. I’m very happily married, but holy mother of pearl, that is a beautiful man. Thanks, tanster!
See the girl in the green jacket to the side of him in the pic on the right?
I thought they were holding hands at first, and I was about to freak out. Then I scrolled down and realized they werent. (:
Hello, Picture #2. Congratulations on becoming my new desktop background!
I think the room just got like 20 degrees hotter.
No wait … 30.
aww i miss jim! dangit he’s so hot!!
i miss the office even more….sigh. sniffle.
I’ve missed you John. ;)
what an aboslutely beautiful man. so glad he’s decide to come out of hiding for a bit! i know that i appreciate it immensely =D!
Hehe I got to see Cloverfield before John! :)
It is an unbelievably awesome movie!
Pippity-poppity, give me THAT zoppity. How is he so beautiful?
I forgot how much I adore him. MAN, I miss The Office.
Sorry! I hit enter too early. Like someone else said, these pictures should come with a warning. I can’t even think when there’s pictures of John looking so gorgeous. Thank you for brightening my day!
Okay I think #32’s comment is by far the best use of that phrase. hahahahaha amazing.
Green eyes that gorgeous should be illegal.
*fanning herself, trying to catch breath* He’s so wonderfully hot! Thanks tanster for these awesome pictures. These made my week. I swear if I had a chance to meet him and look in those gorgeous green eyes I think I’d hyperventilate and then pass out. Did I mention I’m a 29 year old responsible grown woman? I haven’t crushed this hard since high school.