It must be John Krasinski week. :)
Boston magazine has named The Office’s John Krasinski one of the “61 New Best Things about Boston” and put him on the cover.
As Jim, the amiable, moderately ambitious voice of reason, John Krasinski — who can also be seen starring this month opposite Renée Zellweger in the new Clooney-directed, football-themed romantic comedy Leatherheads — calls on dry wit and a cache of goofy looks to express the disdain he feels for his more ridiculous office-mates.
Link: John Krasinski, one of the 61 New Best Things About Boston
Cover photo after the jump. (Thank you, Boston Magazine!)

Yes, Boston does rule, doesn’t it? Which is why it’s on my “if I ever do go college hunting, Boston is on it”
John Krasinski wearing a Red Sox shirt. Sheer brilliance!
Woo! Represent, J-Kras! Yes, Boston rules. But what about the other Mass. boys on The Office? B.J. Novak, Steve Carrell? Even Nancy Walls. I wonder if they were included.
I gasp with excitement.
I wish John Krasinski week was EVERY week. :D
seconded, teampammy
I’m in love… again!
omg I love having Jkras week :-)
John if you do happen to read these comments I cannot wait to see you in leatherheads!!!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with John Kraskinski week :D
My goodness he’s adorable!
That is simply inspired. With the Superman-do and the tie flying back like a cape and everything. Brilliant.
Oh. Yes.
I could never get tired of him.
oh. my. god. so awesome.
Can life get better? I submit that it cannot.
So he IS superman..
i love it!!!! so cute!
I understand he’s from Boston and all…but the Red Sox shirt? No thanks…
I swear every photo shoot he gets more gorgeous. Is there a way I can get that magazine even if I don’t live in Boston? (But I have to admit, I’m getting pretty darn close to moving there)
Who needs Clooney when you got Krasinski?
Does anyone else wish John Krasinski week includes a visit to Conan?? Those two are so adorable and funny together!
Oh man John was great on Jay tonight! And did anyone happen to catch Ed Helms on Conan? He was absolutely hysterical! I love our Office boys!
Man, he’s either attractive or ugly to me. These pics are the latter. No in between. “The Alliance” was on last night and he was SO cute there. Here, not so much. In the blue card pics, he reminds me of Ed Burns.
Does everyone remember how many Office cast members are actually from the greater Boston area or went to school here?
1. John Krasinski: Newton MA
2. BJ Novak: Newton MA (His dad is co-author of “Big Book of Jewish Humor” with Moshe Waldoks, rabbi of Temple Beth Zion in Brookline MA (sometimes known locally as “the shtick figure”)
3. Steve Carell: Concord MA
4. Mindy Kaling: Cambridge MA (Her mom & John’s dad: doctors at the same hospital in Boston)
5. Greg Daniels, Rashida Jones: undergrads in Cambridge MA (A chair in African music at Harvard is endowed in Jones’ dad’s name, I believe, so…)
6. DUNDER MIFFLIN: Modeled on the late great publisher, Houghton Mifflin, Boston MA
…there must be an “et al/etc” here but I have forgotten temporarily.
i forgive him. only because he’s just so darn beautiful.
I love that John Krasinski week coinsides with Spring Break for me…. I feel as though I have off from work to properly celebrate JKras week. So great.
Oh and that superman picture is amazingly hilarious. I LOVE it.
I wish every week was JKras Week!!!
Y2Mama: didn’t Mike Schur also go to Harvard? And Nancy Walls is from Cohasset.
Ha. Short shorts. Me likey.