A man after my own heart. :)
As a geek girl, and a technical writer who writes about Mac software, I have to say that this is my favorite picture of John Krasinski ever.
Cute boy + cute toy = geek girl heaven.
Planting its seed in fans since 2006.
A man after my own heart. :)
As a geek girl, and a technical writer who writes about Mac software, I have to say that this is my favorite picture of John Krasinski ever.
Cute boy + cute toy = geek girl heaven.
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OMG! this is to cute! Now i have anther reason to love my iPod!
I am looking for an address to write John at … ?
Aw, John is so adorable with his iPod!
So, I really don’t have the money right now for an iPod, but I’m so charging it to my Visa. Good adverstising John, ya got me!
Who else wants to see some Mac/PC commercials with John as a Mac and Rainn as a PC?
This might be THE best picture I’ve ever seen on the internet.