Back row: TV personality Dave Salmoni, actor Peter Krause, Myspace.com co-founder Tom Anderson, actor John Krasinski, actor Dane Cook, football player Tony Romo
Front row: actor Dave Annable, musician John Mayer and rapper Common
Some photos of John Krasinski at today’s 2008 Cosmo’s Fun Fearless Male Awards in New York City. (John Mayer won top honors.)
Tipster: Ashley

Yes, please! :)
Is it just me, or is every single person in the first picture looking in a different direction?
I love his hair!
Thanks for posting those, tanster! Hubba, hubba!
he is too gorgeous.
Dom, you’re right. The men were required to look in different directions because if they all concentrated their stares at the camera simultaneously, it would explode due to sexiness overload. John’s gaze alone is dangerously gorgeous, from what I’ve heard.
[from tanster: that’s the best giggle i’ve had all day. :) ]
Ahh! Keep him away from Dane Cook! If he spends too long around him, he may start stealing other people’s jokes, or doing bad movies.
Love some JKras news!! But I have to say – especially in page 3…he’s looking a little tired! Maybe too many late nights before JAM! :)
I’m with J (#7).
Dane Cook is like the anti-John. He’s not funny, he’s not sincere and he’s not involved in a project I’m at all interested in.
One word: Yummalicious!!!
Who is the 2nd from the left in the back row? He kinda looks like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…
I just have to say these pictures made my day. I have multiple pictures from the Magazine of the Fun Fearless Males on my wall next to my desk :)
John may be looking tired, but being one hot human being is hard work. It takes a lot out of you to smile such a beautiful smile :D
What about Dane Cook in “Dan In Real Life”? He did well in that – and it was a different side of Dane Cook…I liked him in that movie. But I agree – not nearly the same league as JKras.
Continuity Error – I thought it was Peter Krause?
John Krasinski, Dane Cook, and John Mayer = 3 of my favorite male celebrities
I think that he’s Peter Krause from Six Feet Under and Dirty Sexy Money.
Woah, Tony Romo and John Mayer in the same picture…awkward…
Sabrina- Ms. Simpson briefly dated Dane Cook, too. How awful for all three of them!
… in every sense of the phrase.
John looks much too adorable. The hair, the suit, the smile. Love it.
Please let there be a picture somewhere of just John Krasinski and John Mayer. That is a sandwich I would like to be involved in.
What month or issue was this in?? Does anyone know? I need to get my hands on a copy! Thanks!
Dane was actually a completely different character in Mr. Brooks. I’m not his biggest fan or anything but I was quite surprised. John Krasinski though…big, BIG fan. :)
So let me get this straight–We’ve got back row l-r
?, Peter Kraus, ?, John K., Dane Cook, ?
front row l-r
?, John Mayer, Common
Can anyone fill in the blanks?
from tanster:
Back row: TV personality Dave Salmoni, actor Peter Krause, Myspace.com co-founder Tom Anderson, actor John Krasinski, actor Dane Cook, football player Tony Romo
Front row: actor Dave Annable, musician John Mayer and rapper Common
Looks like a terrible angle of Peter Krause (who I love).
LOL to #7 (J)!
John is looking mighty fine. And I must say I love that little hint of chest hair peeking out at the top of his unbutton shirt.
Not a fan of Dane Cook’s…however, I do love me some John Mayer.
Flashback to ‘Take Your Daughter To Work Day’ . . .
Michael: Who here likes Dane Cook?
Kids: (all raise their hands).
Deduce what you will from that extremely subtle joke.
I saw this on E! and it was a group of like, the greatest men in Hollywood. They should hang out and be single for always and soak up each other’s awesome-ness and call themselves “The Awesome Blossom”.
But I have come to the scary discovery that Mr. John Krasinski looks a whole lot like my cousin, kinda weird kissing my John picture goodnight every night. Just kinda.
Is third from the left, back row, TOM from Myspace?!
Or am I totally crazy…I hope I am totally crazy…
Wow, John Krasinski + John Mayer + Dave Annable?! I likey!
Hey Sara, who’s your cousin? :P
I saw this story on Extra the other night and they were focusing on the ratio of men who have dated Jessica Simpson in this photo so much that I didn’t even notice at first that John was IN the picture! Thanks for the pics cause I literally saw John just as they moved onto the next story!
Also… pc #6… that is hilariously true.
Haha, #27 I do believe you are right.
Here’s the article from Cosmopolitan.com
Fun Fearless Males 2008: John Krasinski
If he’s that fearless he can date me then. That takes courage!
Mmmm… yummers!
Tom from MySpace? Do you think he would be my friend?
He sure is
It looks like you guys weren’t the only ones to comment on how different Dane and John are:
I saw that this morning and I couldn’t believe that somebody else had picked up on that!
#36: Agreed! I love them both so much.
“I love being super-romantic. I once drove 12 hours round-trip, all in one night, just to give a girl a dozen roses on her birthday.”
Re: 24 I agree :)
Also there’s a video of John Krasinski on johnkrasinski.net if anyone wants to check it out.
I’ve also been told he is the spitting image of my father, but I refuse to acknowledge this. THAT would be weird.
aaaah he is so good-looking~!
John looks very rugged-princely in these, love it.
And is it just me, or in the group photo, does John Mayer look a little too much like Johnny Depp?
So many Johns!
Also, I really don’t like Dane Cook, at all. Maybe because he’s not a John… or maybe because he’s not funny.
Oh man, John Krasinki and Dane Cook. Two of the worlds hottest men!
That is one FINE man. Thank you Papa and Mama Krasinski.
teehee, John Kransinski looks so cute and semi-out-of-place with all those crazy (hairy) men.
There are a lot of good-looking guys here, but they all pale in comparison to JK. Not only in looks, but especially when it comes to sense of humor, intelligence, wit, and overall personality. He is the complete package. Sigh… :-)
Woah. John Mayer? Dane Cook?! John Krasinski?!?! Yum.
Also: lol @ Romo and wtf @ Myspace Tom.
And who is that Dave Annable? Mmm.