This is one of those commercials that I loved the first time I saw it, years back. And viewing it now is even sweeter now that I realize it was John Krasinski’s first big break!
Dig that mohawk.
Thanks to GMMR for the tip!
A '9' on a scale of one to Giselle.
This is one of those commercials that I loved the first time I saw it, years back. And viewing it now is even sweeter now that I realize it was John Krasinski’s first big break!
Dig that mohawk.
Thanks to GMMR for the tip!
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I loved that commercial! I had no idea it was John. Cool.
AWW! this has always been my fave commercial!
I always did like that commercial. I can’t believe I never realized he did that! Hey…did you know that John is the voice of several of the commercials?
he’s also the voice of prince charming in shrek 3
Actually Justin Timberlake is Prince Charming’s voice in the new Shrek movie. (Although in reality JK is the one and only prince charming.)
John Krasinski is the voice of Sir Lancelot in Shrek 3, not Prince Charming…
spalm: you’re right that JK is NOT Prince Charming, but neither is JT. Rupert Everett is the voice of Prince Charming.
Timberlake is voicing “Artie” (you know, not-quite-yet-king Arthur).
Never saw this commercial when it was on TV. Thanks, tanster!
I remember that commercial, and I always thought the reverse mowhawk was hilarious. Even funnier now that I realize it’s John… and he is always the one playing pranks in the show too!