John Krasinski appeared on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ tonight to promote his film ‘Leatherheads’.
Part 1
Part 2 after the jump.
Part 2
Tipster: Denise
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John Krasinski appeared on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’ tonight to promote his film ‘Leatherheads’.
Part 2 after the jump.
Tipster: Denise
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Late night just got a whole lot better!!!
11:35? A bit too late for me.
Is John the main guest or the secondary guest? My DVR is all set.
I go to his old High School, the one B.J. Novak went to as well. I was hanging out in the theater office Monday (as I always do), when a Leno representative called asking for info on John and B.J.’s HS shenanigans. It was pretty sweet.
djf, that is really cool! I’m way too excited to hear John explain himself to Leno. =D
I think he’s getting too big. TWSS. but seriously.
Yay! A teeny little clip from “Dinner Party.” :)
John is always so charming and funny in interviews. It was worth staying up late!
Mr. Krasinski was simply amazing tonight! He was absolutely and adorably self-deprecating and charming.
Also, did his expressions tonight hit a whole new level of cute or what?
I LOVED his re-tell of the musical guest jonesing for pot.
What Dinner Party clip do you speak of? I tivoed through the show just to John, and didn’t see any clip.
ps I loved seeing the Ed on Conan again. I hope he sings in Dinner Party! I’ve really missed the Andy music.
Ha! Joe Thornton…gotta rep the bay
I knew there was a Dukin in San Jose when I was younger…there was one on Capitol, its changed tho
i did find this on the interwebs
According to The Boston Herald (7/21/2002), “Dunkin’ expanded in California in the 1980s, with about 15 stores around the state at one time. But it never got the critical mass it hoped for and bailed out a few years ago.”
btw, the dunkin is now sunny’s donuts
He is getting to be a big star – he was the first guest! Actually, it was a great show and he interacted with Joe Torre as well.
Did anyone else feel like John was being genuinely funny and telling good jokes in parts, and the audience was unresponsive? Sometimes a small laugh, sometimes nothing at all (like when John makes the comment about Jay’s cars in the film)? It annoyed me! I thought he was great, especially that story of him working on Conan. The Leatherheads clip looked good! Was there a Dinner Party clip?! I didn’t see it…
The Dinner Party clip happened right before the show went to commercial prior to John coming out as a guest. It was not announced – if you blinked, you would’ve missed it. There was no audio – just about 6 seconds of video showing Jim and Pam being welcomed by Jan and Michael at the door.
Why does he make me love him so?
what would be better than watching john kras and george clooney play bball?!
Dunkin’ Donuts: Hardcore nostalgia for Boston!
Despite the charmingly blue-collar ambience, in stark contrast to Starbucks, the scent of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee is nevertheless nauseating. I will never understand how people can chug that swill.
Leno’s jibe at John’s desire to open a franchise as “job insurance” was not lost on John….see the fleeting look of humility on his face!
John: If you are reading this -and I suspect you are – I know someone who opened a franchise in Istanbul — if it can be done there, there may be a chance for LA!
Watching the Rashida-on-Ferguson clip then this makes me really appreciate Craig’s freeform unscripted style. I can’t stand the horrible transitions of “So, uh, John, you, ya know…um…worked for Conan, right?”
Did love John’s appearance though and especially loved how his smarter-than-most humor came across; especially when it bombed with the audience and he acknowledged said bombing. I would grab a beer with the guy in a heartbeat.
Susie – I totally agree with you!! I don’t think the audience was prepared for his level of funny. It’s a shame b/c he’s truly talented and an excellent story teller.
This was SO great! I watched it last night and loved every minute of it. When the little Dinner Party clip started, I thought it was like a backstage glimpse of JK getting ready, like some shows have. Then I got confused when I saw that Jenna was with him and I almost cried when I realized it was from the next episode!
And I agree Suzie – the audience didn’t laugh nearly as much as I did. There were very long patches of silence.
What could be better? How about John Krasiniski serving me Dunkin’ Donuts–the best coffee in the world? JKras and glazed donutty goodness…mmmmmm…
He’s a great interviewee, is that the right word? Always has great stories to tell and interacts with the host well. He’s even been pushed to “First Chair”.
He is too adorbable. He does seem really skinny, but it’s a cute, really cute skinny (:
That commercial was hilarious! I definitely saw that back in the day..
I am so excited for this movie to get me some time with JKras!
I LOVED his appearance on Leno – he was so charming and cute and funny! The teensy weensy scene from Dinner Party, along with Leatherheads will keep me on track for the next 2 weeks! TWO WEEKS!!
If I’m not mistaken, the Dinner Party clip was shown right before going to commercial break, but BEFORE JKras came out. (After the game?) It showed Jim and Pam arriving at Michael’s house, and Jim being hugged by Michael. It was a tiny clip…but it got my heart racing!!
And that just made my day.
The Dunkin Donuts commercial was great!
He’s such a natural for this kind of stuff – so charming and comfortable. He better be ready for even bigger celebrity status than he already has!
I almost died when I saw the little Dinner Party clip. Talk about whetting the appetite! Oh well – only two more weeks!
This interview was great. I was so proud that John was the main guest! He was wonderful. I also enjoyed seeing Ed on Conan, which I hadn’t seen before. The Office cast is the best! (“Okay, that’s probably the most obvious statement ever.” -Pam)
I so remember that commercial! That is hilarious!!
John is such a good story teller, I could listen to him for hours, he’s just so animated.
john is the epitome of fitness!!
for some reason that just made me laugh really hard. john is adorable!!
Krasinski v. Torre was just perfect.
props to Sacramento!
Christmas came early for me when I saw that Dunkin Donuts commercial.
“SWEEET!”-john in the dunkin donuts commercial
so awesome.
and then conan comes on and ed helms is on? singing les mis? “the only thing that could make this day better is…ice cream”
fyi, you can see the teeny tiny clip of dinner party at the end of the second segment of the tonight show at
terrific! I was laughing out loud through the whole thing. It made me miss Jim…
I missed the Dinner Party clip! :-(
he is just the cutest thing. I love it!!!!
I loved the promotional advertisement for Dunkin Donuts he made. I usually don’t eat DD but JK is *that* good to make me go out right now and get some.
Maybe because I’m one of the few guys on here, but to me, he came across as a little arrogant. I’m not hatin’ on him or anything, but I was thinking that when I was watching it. Sometimes, he was trying too hard to be funny. Just be yourself, John!
What a genuinely funny guy. Very likable and down-to-earth. Definitely someone it would be fun to hang with for a day…
John Krasinski, if you ever read this: Open a Dunkin’ Donuts in Washington state! We don’t have one :(
Conan doesn’t have a lead guest listed yet for April 2. Odds on JKras?
What a charmer!
For those who watched, did John and Joe talk about Red Sox vs. Yankees?
That was amazing, John you’re amazing!!!
Is it just me, or does John shift in his seat a lot during this interview?
What a cutie! Shout-out (sorta) to Sacramento. Yay!
Love the Andy Tie.
He’s SO funny! I felt sorry for him that the audience didn’t sound very responsive. He was talking pretty fast–from a few interviews it sounds like FAME is a little overwhelming for him…could it be nerves? *sigh* That makes him even more cute!
Loved the DD shout-out!! I work there when I’m home from college and I would totally give him free coffee and donuts all the time. He’s too adorable. Can’t wait for The Office on Thursday!!