Tallyhead Ivy files this report from The Lonesome Trio’s performance in New York City last night.
My friend, Katherine, and I wandered into Manhattan to see The Lonesome Trio play at the Parkside Lounge. Since we both really love Ed Helms, we decided to drink some wine at a local Italian wine bar before heading over, to calm our nerves and embolden us to actually talk to Ed Helms (is bold the right word?).
We headed over to Parkside Lounge around 8, a little early, but it worked out well, as we were some of the first people there and able to grab a table right up front. I went out to the bar area to check the Patriots-Giants score, and there was Ed, at the bar! Ordering a drink! I quickly ran to the back to tell Katherine, and when we went back up front, he walked right past us, I wanted to say hello, but apparently, the wine didn’t do it’s job and I just meekly smiled as we passed.
After a brief moment of depression, it was back to our seats as the first band, All Night Cookin’ was starting (it was around 9:45pm). One member of The Lonesome Trio, Jacob Tilove, played with the band, and they were awesome! The whole group seemed so happy just to be playing.
During their set, Ed sat in the crowd, to the side, I think with his family — there was an older woman talking to him for a bit (his mom?). At one point she took off his glasses and tried them on, which was adorable! Then I realized I was basically stalking Ed Helms instead of watching the show, so I refocused on the band.
Next up was The Lonesome Trio, who were also incredibly awesome. Really. They were just having so much fun, jamming, and really responding to, and interacting with the crowd. Eventually, both bands joined together, with a special guest, bluegrass legend John McEuen. At one point, Ed loaned John his guitar to play a song. Again, it was all fantastic!
I can’t really describe the show, there was just so much energy in the room, everyone was really enjoying themselves. I took a few pictures of Ed singing solos, and the bands, in various forms, people from both bands would just get on and leave the stage for each song, it was amazing, as if they’d been playing together forever.
Around 12:45 pm, the show was done and all the band members started going out to the front to grab drinks. We tried to get a picture with Ed on his way out to the bar, but he was in a rush and couldn’t take one. We waited in the back for a bit, talked with John McEuen and a few members of All Night Cookin’.
Then we ventured out to the front, and I saw Ed! I was standing right next to him! He was talking with some people, though, and I didn’t want to bother him, so we struck up a conversation with Ian Riggs (bass player for The Lonesome Trio), and, then, Jacob.
Eventually, Ian figured out, probably because I kept staring at Ed’s back, that we wanted to take a picture with him, so he interrupted Ed’s conversation and we got to take a picture! Ed even talked to us for a little bit, although, honestly, I have no idea what he or I said, I was so excited to just see him! I was probably babbling psychotically about how great the show was and how awesome I think he is.
Anyway, after he talked to us for a bit, he went back to his conversation and we had to head out, as it was late, but it was great to see the show — really, really awesome, and, of course, great to talk with Ed, Ian, and Jacob! If anyone has the chance to see the band play, I definitely recommend it! Even if you don’t really like (or think you like) bluegrass, the energy was amazing, and Ed being there certainly didn’t hurt!
Congrats. What a wonderful recap.
GOD… I wanted to go to that. I even e-mailed Jacob about the show, but I couldn’t go. Darn.
Lucky! Gosh!
Wow, what a great story. :)
Ahhhh, I am so jealous! Lucky you! :)
Thanks for sharing your recap Ivy! Being in the Midwest I miss out on all the L.A. and New York fun events with The Office cast but I’m glad I can live vicariously through fellow Tallyheads! :)
That’s awesome! I wish I was close enough to go to a show!
And how cute is he with his glasses :o)
Wow, this story is awesome. Thanks for the recap!
What an adorable picture! It sounds like you had a great time – thanks for sharing your experience with us. :)
Question: are Ed’s fellow Lonesome Trio members the guys who assisted him with “Take a Chance On Me”?
Wow! Thanks for all the happy comments! I wish I had thought to ask if they were the guys that helped him out with “Take a Chance on Me.” That would have been a great way to make conversation without sounding like a degenerate…I wish I could describe the show better for you all, it was fantastic, definitely worth the trip if any of you can make it to another one.
Awesome story! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the great recap. What a nice experience!!
The Office community must have the biggest amount of fan encounters, and most exciting ones, out there.
I read somewhere that one of the “Chance” harmonizers was John Michael Higgins[Wayne Jarvis on Arrested Development, one of Christopher Guest’s regulars, and a supporting player in Evan Almighty and Walk Hard]So assuming there were three people singing along on the phone, the other members of the Trio could be the other two.
That’s dawesome, it’s like every Office/Andy fan’s dream :)
Thanks for sharing, Ivy. It sounds like you had a ton of fun. I love Ed!
Awesome story and awesome pic!
(Noticed a typo: should be 12:45am instead of pm)
I had a chance to talk to Ed at the Office convention in Scranton and he is a great guy. When I mentioned some of his bits from the Daily Show he said he would do anything for a laugh
Ivy- How did you know they were playing there? Do they play NYC often? I would love to go!