This is kind of old news, but I thought I’d post it anyway because it always makes me smile when I look at this photo:

This is from the opening sequence of The Fight (where Dwight is searching for his desk). Note that MySpace is on Ryan’s computer screen!
The cast has said that they have working Internet connections on set — this is proof!
That actor actually has a MySpace account: http: //
Hey Viper, congratulations, you’re the first person to leave a message with a gravatar! :)
Actually, quite a few characters in the cast (Pam, Angela, Kevin, Dwight, Roy, Ryan, and Darryl) have MySpace accounts — that’s one of the cool things about the show!
Heyyy! Is that my screen capture? I posted one on MySpace a while back. :)
Hi Marc! Nope, I captured this myself; otherwise I would have fully credited you, of course. :) What’s the link to your screen cap?
Oh I know, tanster. :) Don’t have the link handy, it was a while back in one of Jenna’s blogs. A few users were commenting about that scene and I just had to track it down.
Ah, so you were yanking my chain? Nothing gets past me, does it? :)
(Hey Marc, why don’t you go get a gravatar since you are a regular poster here at OT? I’m tired of just seeing my face!)
Through my compulsive watching, I believe that I may have discovered another appearance of MySpace on The Office. Different actor/different computer.
I think i’ve seen it on Pam/Jenna’s computer too… But i don’t remember which episode. I’m a nerd i always look for it because Jenna and Angela often mention in their blogs that they often blog on set!
Hahahaha, that is pretty funny. Good catch.