Here’s an exclusive first look at the NBC Office Store’s Dundie Award!
Height: 10.5 in.
Width: 4.25 in.
Depth: 3.5 in.
Weight: 12 oz.
Aside from the default “Dundie Award” face plate, it also comes with a set of magnetized face plates: “Hottest in the Office Award,” “Bushiest Beaver Award,” “Don’t Go In There After Me Award,” “Whitest Sneakers Award,” and “Fine Work Award.”
Waiting to hear back on the price and release date, although I do know the Dundies will be sold at the Office Convention next week!
More photos after the jump.

Back of Dundie

Dundie faceplates
“Hottest in the Office Award”
“Bushiest Beaver Award”
“Don’t Go In There After Me Award”
“Whitest Sneakers Award”
“Fine Work Award”

Close-up of the Dundie dude

Dundie next to full-sized Dwight bobblehead
YAY! It looks awesome.
I have been waiting for one of these. The “WHITEST SNEAKERS” award will sure look good next to my Dwight Schrute Bobblehead.
Thanks for the heads-up, Tanster!
exactly the same as the one that came with season 3 dvd! except for that red thing… and the nameplates…
This made me realize I’m perfectly happy with my mini Dundie award and my mini Dwight bobble head from the Best Buy DVD set!
Wow – those are a good size! But where’s the “Spice Curry” award plate? :)
Yeah, and there’s no “Tight-Ass Award” either!
The “Don’t Go In There After Me Award” really shouldn’t be part of this, unless they have one of a man squatting, right?
Seems kind of big…
Were they that big in the episode?
#9: That’s what she said.
Too easy, couldn’t resist.
If you buy it yourself from a trophy store you can get whatever award you want…
They need to write another Dundie Awards episode!
I must give props to NBC for selling something that can possibly say “bushiest beaver award” on it…also, I wonder if they’ll sell just the name plates for those of us who already have dundies from our season 3 best buy pack.
9|Drunk Biking
“That’s what she said.”
I am squealing with anticipation!
I was supposed to get it with my Season 3 DVD’s and they never came :(
Soon I will have a Dundie of my own, to go with my World’s Best Boss mug!!
Fantastic!! Thanks for the first look, Tanster.
I can’t believe this!! I want a dundie, but I live in Australia.
Such a shame, it would have been the perfect birthday gift for my sister.
Yuppers, we need another dundies episode!
i need that dundie.
I need the whitest sneakers award! Like three people noticed my shoes cause they were so white! hahaha!
#11: Most likely no, the Mini-Dundies came with Best Buy’s pack, these are going to be the full-sized ones
The mini-dundie is better. It discreetly shows my nerdy-ness :) Although, the “Bushiest Beaver” gold name plate is totally awesome.
They need to have another dundees episode. They do have the dundees every year, right? I feel like we’ve missed out on the past couple of years – I can’t imagine that they were uneventful! :)
What would be really interesting is if Ryan implemented a company-wide “Dundies Award Ceremony”, which would certainly cause problems with Michael–not only for having stolen the idea, but also because Michael probably wouldn’t get an award. ;)
Do you think I would be able to get a personalized face plate? I wanted to get one for my brother for Christmas.
I have noticed that NBC.com isn’t offering the Dundie Awards for sale anymore. I am glad I got one, actually I bought 4 others as christmas gift this year!
Any idea if or when they might make a return?
I have one at work, and would really like another for home!