NBC will air three hours of comedy on Thursdays starting January 20, 2011.
- 8pm: Community
- 8:30pm: Perfect Couples (new)
- 9pm: The Office
- 9:30pm: Parks and Recreation
- 10pm: 30 Rock
- 10:30pm: Outsourced
Keepin' it zoppity.
NBC will air three hours of comedy on Thursdays starting January 20, 2011.
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Yes, please! The Office + Parks and Recreation = love. And as a bonus, I’ll probably fall asleep before Outsourced starts!!!
I’d watch up until 10:30pm although I’d be nervous about “Perfect Couples. Overall I’d prefer:
8pm: Community
8:30pm: 30 Rock
9pm: The Office
9:30pm: Parks and Recreation
Friday 10:30pm: Outsourced
The Office and Parks & Recreation go together like peas and carrots. 9:30 would be the perfect spot for P&R!
Well, I really like Outsourced but I HATE 30 Rock… I watch them all on Hulu over the weekend anyway, so the length of the Thursday night block doesn’t matter to me. I do think there is not enough comedy on tv though, so bring on the laughs!
I’ve been waiting for P&R returns for a long time !!
The best day is the Thursday !!
Because the day after I can watch all of my favourite TV Shows !!
The Office, Community, Parks & Recreation, Outsourced & Grey’s anatomy ! :p
I would love that schedule if they would switch Community and Perfect Couples (whatever that show is). Community just deserves a better time slot.
Can’t wait for the return of P&R
[from tanster: i agree. i love community but it’s being killed by cbs’ big bang theory.]
I will be glad to have P&R back. Would love it to be in its old 8:30pm timeslot. Community-P&R-The Office is what Thursday nights are all about for me.
If it means Parks and Rec can come back then I will be extremely happy!
YES YES, Community along with the Office are my favorite shows on Thursday night. It is suffering in its time slot, because for some odd reason people watch BBT more. If there was one thing that NBC did good last year was Community, so they should treat this show kindly with a better time slot.
meh – I hate that line up.
We’d watch Community and the Office, and have to DVR Outsourced and watch it another night. I only watch 30 Rock if I have too (usually we just wait and watch Community then off the DVR), and I was not impressed with P&R last year at all, so it would end up being another DVR and watch later show.
They should have done Community-or-P&R @ 8:30, then the office, P&R-or-Community, Outsourced and 30 Rock at 10:30 (with the new show starting at 8). Community deserves a way better time slot then it has now, and P&R can lead in or follow out The Office and be fine. :)
I don’t know. I’d want to watch it but I’m not sure I’d stick with it all the way through. I’d strongly advise NBC to put Parenthood in the final hour on Thursday, it seems like a natural fit. And create a one hour comedy block with Parks and the new series elsewhere.
I’ll take any lineup that includes Parks and Rec.
Whatever it takes to get Parks and Rec back!
Chase & Undercovers might get their episode orders reduced, so this could be a reality. Unfortunately, this would make NBC bring down the axe on two of the shows for the fall. Between ER ending and Jay Leno nuking the 10PM slot, nothing would surprise me. This change would probably screw Community or P&R out of a chance at renewal. And 30 Rock’s ratings might actually boost surprisingly.
I would cry if this ruins Community.
I love the characters on Outsourced and hope that it can sustain a story longer than the movie of which it is based.
I would love a full night of comedy! But, I really would like to see Community moved out of the 8 PM slot. I love the show, but I’ve been watching the Big Bang Theory since it started, so I watch it instead on Thursdays.
So, if they would move community to 8:30, then it would be a perfect night!
This line-up looks perfect. I’m glad to see they might move 30-Rock to a later time. The slot it has now is too early for me and I usually miss it, which I hate. I’m also glad to see Park & Recreation is coming back! I’m all for this new schedule.
I’d like to see Community benefit from extra time slots and get something that won’t get it killed. Right now I watch it and record Big Bang but I’d love to be able to watch everything live. If they could move it to 8:30/7:30, it’d be perfect.
Yes, anything that brings PRec back to Thursdays is good with me. I never got in to Outsourced (well I didn’t give it much of chance because I was upset about Parks and Rec not being on).
Seems like a done deal
totally agree with you Tanster! the office and then parks and rec… what a great hour of television!
This fall/winter, TV watching for me has been whittled down to Thursdays-only because of a crazy schedule, so this is the best news! The Office! Parks and Recreation! 30 Rock! Bedtime! Now that’s what I call a successful TV Fun Night — 90 minutes of relaxation and laughs! I’m just sad about the huge gap in new episodes between December 9 and January 20. That’s quite a wait, and I won’t be able to turn down any invites due to having an important evening “meeting” (which is actually just my TV night!)
This looks awesome!
This is going to screw outsourced. It will be cancelled very quickly due to low ratings. The only reason it has so-so ratings is it follows the office which is the only good comedy on t.v now. There are only three great comedies in t.v history in this order:
1. Seinfeld
2. The Office
3. Home improvement
I wish they’d keep 30 Rock put at 8:30 and throw Outsourced and that new show in the 10 PM slot. Community, 30 Rock, The Office, and P&R is ideal and would make my life so much easier, haha. Oh well. At least Parks has an official return date!
So excited about Parks & Rec coming back, and that it’s following The Office as it should have been when it first started. Also, I agree with everyone else that Community should be moved to 8:30 — then it’d be a perfect TV night.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
I think it’s a shame NBC seems to care so little about Community. It’s a great show but it will never win against The Big Bang Theory. As a show that has found an audience but is still struggling, I consider it a slap in the face that NBC is leaving it at the 8:00 time slot.
Looks pretty good. Community will be fine, I can already see it’s picked up a loyal fan-base (myself included). I’m psyched about Parks and Rec’s return and I can’t wait to see Outsourced get cancelled >:D.
I don’t care what NBC does on Thur. nights, as long as The Office is there at 9 PM.
The slot right before The Office is the launch spot. 30 Rock got it years ago & it took off.
I think Community got it last year?
Outsourced got it at the beginning of this season.
Now, Perfect Couples gets The Office launch.
Will Parks & Rec make it to next season? Even though it follows The Office, any word from the producers as to its fate?
This is great, great news that P&R is returning, and to the slot it should have had all along, 9:30. I think P&R will just continue to grow its audience this season and NBC may well be looking at it as the future 9:00 anchor show assuming The Office lasts to season 9. My only question for NBC is what took so long? P&R should have been a no brainer for the 9:30 slot. NBC is also clearly giving up on Outsourced with this move, despite just picking up a full season a month ago. It’s going to get murdered at 10:30.
Didn’t NBC try something like this with 6 comedies on Thursday night in the 80s or 90s and call it Night of a Thousand Laughs? I don’t think it worked then and won’t work now. As long as they’ve got the golden 9-10 hour right, which they now do, I don’t really care what happens to any of the other Thursday night NBC shows. Won’t miss Outsourced a bit. I gave it chance after chance, mainly because Ken Kwapis was so great with The Office but the show just doesn’t have it.
SO glad Parks and Recreation is back.
Yay! P&R will be back! :)
This is not good for Outsourced. Well I can say I enjoyed it while it lasted. I’m glad Parks and Rec is coming back.
I love this! Nothing sounds better than 3 hours of comedy, although I’m not a big fan of Outsourced and I don’t exactly like that 30 Rock is going against Sunny– but I guess their season will be over by January anyway, so, never mind! Looks good!
I really wish Parks and Rec was on in between Community and The Office. I watched the pilot of Perfect Couples and it was one of the worst things I ever saw. Did anyone else watch?
Watch Community, turn off TV. Watch The Office, turn off TV. Watch 30 Rock, turn off TV.
This is a terrible schedule.
Not interested in Perfect Couples or 30 Rock. I’m good with everything else.
I actually really like the schedule because out of the six shows, The Office and 30 Rock are my favorites, so I guess I’ll just watch the half hour of Parks and Rec.