1. I love the sneak peek so much! Why does the wedding have to be nine days away?

    Can we just skip “The Promotion” and go straight to Niagara?

  2. Why? Why are they showing sneak peaks when it’s two weeks away?!

    I refuse to watch it, I must stay strong.

  3. That is great, behind the scenes stuff like that is always the coolest. Cannot wait for October 8! 8 days!

  4. OMG I can’t wait!!!! I wish the video wouldn’t have skipped so much. (Maybe it was just on my end) But I am so excited!

  5. “Do you have any snacks in your pocketbook?”


    and omg kevin’s toupee and shoes….. i can’t wait to see what that’s about! and the turtle…

  6. I’m super excited! This will be one of the best episodes ever!
    And I want to know why there is a turtle there. haha

  7. I go to school in the UK and this video won’t work over here! Can somebody please tell me what’s shown/said in it?

  8. You guys, I just found out I have to miss the wedding episode because of a special event for work. I am so upset.

    But then again, I missed the engagement too because I had to work, so maybe me missing an episode and having to watch it online the next day is good luck. Yea, I’ll go with that.

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