These videos are courtesy of Tallyheads mickeyrandy and Alison. This was during the ribbon cutting ceremony this morning — an impromptu serenade by Mr. Ed Helms.
Thank you, ladies!
There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?
hahaha! That was so great!!! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like The Office Convention is the place to be!
OMG – so dawesome! :) That was really great – Ed’s the best. Thank you for sharing this! Can’t wait to see some more of the Q&A with the cast. I really hope the whole cast will be there again next year (and that I can make it next time, too).
Wish I could have made it, looks like an amazing time! What a good sport Ed is.
Haha, that was cute. I love Ed helms, he’s adorable!
That’s so cool.
I wish I was there, with all those peeps.
It is so great to hear about all the awesome times everyone is having at the convention! Do we have the best cast and crew in the world, or what?
Hahahaha! That was amazing! I’m like seriously getting depressed that I’m not there right now. I think I should jump off a building on to a moon bounce. Lol!
The list of wonderful things that I’m missing grows more heartbreaking by the hour. Ed Helms singing? It doesn’t get better than that.
Thank you so much for posting these! I just got a huge smile on my face.
Ow. Watching these unbelievable videos is seriously a form of masochism on my part.
Ahaha but thanks so much for them, Tanster. That serenade on the show was the exact turning point when I went from disliking Andy to desperately loving him.
That was awesome! I am soooo jealous that I’m not anywhere NEAR Scranton. Maybe next year! Hope you guys had fun!!!
I so hope there is another convention next year. I wanna go!!!!
wow. I’m officially in love with Andy now. Thanks for posting those!
Every single thing I read and see on here makes me so glad to be a part of the community dedicated to this show. I love this! I just wish I could have been there. NEXT YEAR!
Angela gets more adorable every time I see her. I’m so jealous of everyone in attendance.